Welcome Night Resources

Informational Booklet
This booklet is your guide to who we are and how you can connect with us. Inside, you'll discover our mission (making every believer a disciple-maker), our core values like deliverance and radical generosity, and all the ways you can get involved. We share our history, introduce our leaders, and explain our vision for the future.
You'll learn about building community through life groups and discipleship, explore opportunities to serve in various ministries (from worship to youth programs), and find details on regular events like prayer meetings, fasting schedules, and training sessions. We hope this booklet helps you find your place here at HungryGen and grow in your faith.

Get Equipped
Our mission at HungryGen is for every lost person to get saved. Every saved person to get delivered. Every delivered person to get trained. Every trained person to get mobilized.
We offer training called Life Class, where believers can learn what it means to live for Jesus. Our desire is to see every member become a minister and every believer to become a disciple, who becomes a disciple maker.

Honor Code & Abuse Policy Acknowledgment
Honor Code: As Christians, our conduct should reflect Christ positively. HungryGen Church upholds a disciplined life of Bible reading, prayer, and fasting. Members are expected to avoid behaviors such as profanity, smoking, gambling, dishonesty, substance abuse, and actions that could cause others to stumble.
Abuse Policy: HungryGen Church is committed to being a safe place for children and vulnerable adults. Team members must report any suspected abuse to the appropriate staff. The policy outlines four types of abuse—physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect—and clarifies that members are not responsible for investigating but must report concerns.

Our Faith