Sermons Search Submit Clear Borrow A VesselIlya Parkhotyuk · April 16, 2018ListenSubscribeNotesShareSermon NotesThis week Pastor Ilya preached an inspiring message on faith that will guide you to make it through the tough seasons in life. Tune in and be blessed! Other Messages from Ilya ParkhotyukIndebted to the GospelCultivating IntimacyHow God SpeaksDo What You CanStrong but BoundWhy WorshipKnowledge with a DifferenceWhat Do You WantDo SomethingFear NotThe RewarderSuccessful and SatisfiedRecent SermonsAre They The One? God’s Heart For The PoorSpiritual Growth Plan for 2025!When You FastStay Mission-FocusedGod’s Direction for Next YearStretch Your TentThe Hearts Hidden ConditionKeep The Fire AliveSurviving The StormReality of HellThe Pain of Persecution