Digging Wells of Revival
Sermons, Vladimir SavchukThis sermon emphasizes the importance of spiritual wells in our lives and the church. Water is God’s gift, but it is our responsibility to dig wells that provide life to the world. The Church must function as a well, fervent in prayer, p...
Where His Presence Goes, His Power Flows
Faith, Holy Spirit, Identity, Purpose, Sermons, Spiritual Warfare, Vladimir SavchukThe church isn’t built around a personality but around God’s presence, power, and purpose. When we focus on Him, He works through us to impact others. We all carry something—either the weight of our problems or the power of His pre...
The Posture of the Pleasing
Bryson Still, Faith, Identity, Purpose, SermonsSpiritual alignment is essential for a life that pleases the Lord. It is not about striving through human effort but about surrendering to God’s ways. Scripture teaches that God chooses the humble and dependent, not the self-sufficient, ...
God’s Path Through the Storm
Inspiration, Jesus, Peace, Purpose, Sermons, Spiritual Warfare, Suffering, Vladimir SavchukIn times of uncertainty, when no path seems visible, God proves that He can make a way where there is no way. Just as He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, He provides supernatural solutions when human efforts fall short. If He doesn...
Why Are People Leaving HungryGen?
Church, Mentorship, Ministry, Missions, Promise, Prophecy, Sermons, Spiritual Warfare, Vision, Vladimir SavchukPastor Vlad discusses the big changes taking place at HungryGen, emphasizing that these shifts are part of a prophetic calling. Many prophecies have declared that HungryGen will become a central hub for planting churches, with new minist...
Spiritual Inheritance
Austin Svangren, Destiny, Discipleship, Faith, Fight Back, Richard and Brittni DeLa Mora, SermonsImagine a young heir, born into a royal family, yet unaware of the vast inheritance waiting for him. He struggles, living as a servant in his own kingdom, simply because he does not know what belongs to him. This is the reality for many ...
God’s Plan for Marriage
Chris Mcbride, Family, Love, Marriage, Relationships, Sermons, Vladimir SavchukThis sermon, Make Room: A Biblical Perspective on Marriage, emphasizes how to not only enter into marriage but also how to sustain and thrive in it. It establishes that marriage is ordained by God, a holy covenant, and a union with divin...
How To Quit Porn
Dating, Love, Marriage, Mental Health, Purity, Relationships, Richard and Brittni DeLa Mora, SermonsThis sermon highlights three essential ways to reject lust and live a life of purity. First, setting clear boundaries is crucial, as seen in Joseph’s example when he fled from temptation rather than entertaining it. By avoiding comprom...
Are They The One?
Destiny, Family, Finances, Love, Marriage, Purpose, Sermons, Vladimir SavchukThe sermon “Are They The One?” by Vlad examines the biblical foundation for singleness and marriage, offering guidance on discerning a godly partner. It begins by acknowledging that singleness can be a calling, a result of circumstance, ...
God’s Heart For The Poor
Evangelism, Finances, Generosity, Missions, obedience, Promise, Purpose, Sermons, Vladimir SavchukThis sermon emphasizes the Christian call to help the poor as an act of justice, mercy, and humility, rooted in Micah 6:8. Poverty arises from various causes, including injustice, calamity, and personal failure, and believers are called ...
Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025!
Bible, Church, Destiny, Discipleship, Fasting, Finances, Generosity, Ministry, obedience, Promise, Purpose, Sermons, Vision, Vladimir SavchukGrowth Catalyzes ChangeGrowing people naturally experience transformation. Embrace growth as the key to breaking barriers, opening doors, and receiving God’s best. Spiritual Growth Plan Key Thought: Growth is a journey, and each...
When You Fast
Faith, Fasting, Grace, Health, Holy Spirit, obedience, Promise, Purpose, Sermons, Vladimir SavchukFasting is the voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. In Matthew 6:16–18, Jesus teaches that fasting should be done sincerely and privately, focusing on God rather than seeking public approval. He acknowledges fasting a...