OnlineDIGITAL DELIVERANCENext Digital Deliverance Starts on:Second Saturday of each month.January 13, 2023REGISTERIn PersonMonthly Prayer LineNext Prayer Line Starts on:LAST Saturday of each month.January 25, 2025REGISTEROne on OneDeliverance PrayerReceive Prayer from Ministers in Deliverance NetworkRegisterGet Equipped to Do DeliveranceFoundationsDeeperApplicationMonthly Prayer LineBefore you arriveBefore Prayer CounselingAfter DeliveranceE-CoursesDeliverance PrayersFree17 Lessons2.5 hours of video contentDeliverance from DemonsFree17 Lessons2.5 hours of video contentExorcism, Inner Healing, and Mental IllnessFree18 Lessons1.5 hours of video contentCursesFree25 Lessons2 hours of video contentTestimonies of DeliverancePrayers for DeliveranceTeachings on DeliveranceNOVEMBER 15-17, 2019CHRISTIAN FAITH33645 20TH SOUTHFEDERAL WAY, WAScheduleFriday - 7pm Saturday - 10am Saturday - 7:30pm Sunday - 4pmFriday - 7pm Saturday - 10am Saturday - 7:30pm Sunday - 4pm