Blog Posts
- 03.18.25
Where God’s Presence Goes, His Power Flows
Vision : Hungry Generation exists to lead people to encounter God daily! God adds people to the church so that the church can add…read more - 03.17.25
The Posture of the Pleasing
Usually, a person who loves the Lord does not start out the day saying, ”Well, today I will go and do what I like.…read more - 03.07.25
A Person Who Pleases God
God is more pleased with who you are than what you do Most of the time, New Year’s resolutions don’t work. Why? Because usually…read more - 02.26.25
Cash In On Your Inheritance
The Bible Is Your Inheritance As A Child of God God has made us His heir. He has left us an Old Testament and…read more - 02.17.25
Lured By Lust
Today, we want to discuss three ways to reject lust. While these three points equally can be applied to every form of temptation, we will…read more - 02.11.25
Make Room: A Biblical Perspective On Marriage
Marriage gives us the wonderful opportunity to wake up and love our spouse each day. Marriage is a ministry under the Lord as co-servants;…read more - 02.06.25
Are They The One?
Advice To Single And Unmarried People 46.4% of American adults are single (117 million). This includes widows, divorced and others that have never been married.…read more - 01.29.25
Shake Off The Snake
Post-Deliverance Warfare “ Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened…read more - 01.22.25
The Right Response
Responding in the Right Manner Responding to the Lord in the right manner involves recognizing and honoring His presence. In Mark 14, we see…read more - 01.21.25
Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025
There are things in your life that will break as you grow. “At that time the Lord will remove their burden from your shoulders,…read more - 01.14.25
When You Fast
“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you…read more - 01.08.25
Mission Has Priority
The beginning of the year is a time when many people make new goals and resolutions to improve their lives. However, in all the…read more
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