Sermons Search Submit Clear Keep Satan OutMartin Parkhotyuk · October 29, 2017ListenSubscribeShareSermon NotesThis week Pastor Martin shares with us how to keep the enemy out of our life. This is a timely message during this halloween season. Other Messages from Martin ParkhotyukWhat Do You Seek?A Change of HeartThe Surrender of PotipharThe Need for MentorsThe Battlefield of the MindThe Battlefield of the MindThe Blessing of Letting GoFrom Shepherd to a KingWho Touched MeAll You Need to do is AskDeliverance with a PurposeDeliverance with a PurposeStructure of a DreamEverything Big Starts LittleRecent SermonsAre They The One? God’s Heart For The PoorSpiritual Growth Plan for 2025!When You FastStay Mission-FocusedGod’s Direction for Next YearStretch Your TentThe Hearts Hidden ConditionKeep The Fire AliveSurviving The StormReality of HellThe Pain of Persecution