4 Things That Kill Fire for God

In my fourteen years of ministering to youth, I noticed four things that kill the fire inside me. The first one is offense. The vast majority of people who leave the church do so because of offenses done to them. So in turn, church leaders try not to offend, but that is not Jesus’ example. For in one service alone, many of disciples left, because he knew that offense is unavoidable. We can stop causing offenses but we cannot stop being offended. Offense is a huge trap of the devil to kill our fire. Leave any and all offenses against you at the cross.

As Christians, we pray and we fast for healing, deliverance, and salvation, but sometimes what we hoped for or expected does not happen. This disappointment is the second reason our fire burns out. Yet while it happens to all of us, do not be discouraged! For in this time of disappointment, Jesus walks alongside us and reminds us of encouraging scriptures until our hearts catch fire again.

The third thing that kills our fire is busyness. Intimacy with the Lord makes you fruitful, not busy. Busyness is good when it comes out of fruitfulness and intimacy, like serving in your local church. God ordered us to rest, and he blesses order, so take time for Him and be blessed and successful. Business is good only when it involves God and glorifies him.

The last thing is materialism. It is when the things we have, have us. When I can hold things without holding on to them is such a blessing. He has the right to take whatever He wants from my hands, and I have the privilege to take anything out of His pocket.

This blog was written by Vladimir Savchuk.

Pastor Vlad is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church, an author of “Break Free” and “Single, Ready to Mingle” and a founder of free online school “Vlad’s School.” To download free e-books, sermon series, small group study guides go to vladimirsavchuk.com
