
Featured image for 'Sold Out'

Sold Out

Moving From Believer To Disciple There is no greater answer to this generation than a believer who is in total

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Featured image for 'If My People Pray'

If My People Pray

Time to Pray Our Commander, Jesus Christ, is mobilizing His body to pray. Jesus is mobilizing His church to pray

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Featured image for 'Walking Through The Doors Of Opportunity'

Walking Through The Doors Of Opportunity

Discerning Opportunities From God If you do not know how to discern opportunities when God presents them, not only will

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Featured image for 'The Way Of Wisdom'

The Way Of Wisdom

Introduction To Wisdom Having wisdom and knowledge is a secret not only to success but to your destiny. It has

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Featured image for 'The Child Is Not Dead'

The Child Is Not Dead

”Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the

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Featured image for 'Five Things God Expects From Christian Dads'

Five Things God Expects From Christian Dads

“It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.” Pope John XXIII

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Featured image for 'The Power Is In The Boldness'

The Power Is In The Boldness

I would rather live a wild, crazy, bold life for God than just barely warm a pew. Jesus Christ had

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Featured image for 'How To Strengthen Yourself In The Lord'

How To Strengthen Yourself In The Lord

Sometimes, we experience our greatest attacks, when we are closest to our calling. I believe everyone experiences prolonged periods of

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Featured image for 'When Ministers Fall From Grace'

When Ministers Fall From Grace

I genuinely believe you cannot walk with Jesus for longer than a decade without experiencing disappointment in spiritual leaders. They

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Featured image for 'My Dad Got Shot When I Was 6 – Pastor Marco Garcia'

My Dad Got Shot When I Was 6 – Pastor Marco Garcia

The Power Of A Word From God One Word from God can change your life forever. Before Jesus did any

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Featured image for 'March Into A Miracle'

March Into A Miracle

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? We have so many natural advantages yet find ourselves

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Featured image for 'Biblical Worship'

Biblical Worship

One of the most used passages in the New Testament to talk about worship is John 4. People are quick

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