
Featured image for 'The Gift Of Friendship'

The Gift Of Friendship

Gifts Received At Salvation On Pentecost Sunday, we listened to a testimony of a lady whose life was transformed when

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Featured image for 'Becoming Worthy Of A Blessing'

Becoming Worthy Of A Blessing

Positioning Yourself To Be Blessed Receiving a blessing is a result of intentional positioning. Blessing doesn’t come to everybody who

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Featured image for 'Triggered by Trauma'

Triggered by Trauma

Emotional wounds can result from trauma, abuse, or other distressing experiences, leaving a person vulnerable to demonic influence. Trauma can

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Featured image for 'Triggered By Trauma'

Triggered By Trauma

Inner Healing From Trauma And Soul Wounds Every person needs the healing of the heart in one are or another.

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Featured image for 'The Believers Progression'

The Believers Progression

This message will help the believer to examine their life and recognize which stage they’re at in their walk with

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Featured image for 'The Believer’s Progression'

The Believer’s Progression

Three Stages Of Life Matthew 9:36-38, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused

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Featured image for 'Fast Forward Through The Wilderness'

Fast Forward Through The Wilderness

Wilderness Seasons We are going to look at the story of Jesus fasting in the wilderness. Matthew 4:1-11 NLT, “Then

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Featured image for 'When We Are Tested by FIRE and WATER'

When We Are Tested by FIRE and WATER

We are all building something.  It just depends on how and with what QUALITY OF MATERIAL. We MUST pay attention

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Featured image for 'Tested By Fire And Water'

Tested By Fire And Water

Everything Will Be Tested We are all building something in life. With intent or without intention as every hour, day,

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Featured image for 'Fast Forward Through the Wilderness'

Fast Forward Through the Wilderness

Fasting is a practice that is often used in spiritual traditions to help individuals focus on God. It involves abstaining

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Featured image for 'Cultivate Intimacy'

Cultivate Intimacy

Cultivating Intimacy With God Today, I want to give you a Word to help you cultivate an intimate relationship with

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Featured image for 'Cultivating Intimacy'

Cultivating Intimacy

Its time to go deeper with God! Learn how to truly deepen your intimacy with the Lord with Pastor Ilya

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