Weapon of Fasting

I want to highlight the power that is released through fasting. Daniel set his mind to humble himself before God through fasting (Daniel 10:12-13). God dispatched an angel the moment Daniel set his heart to humble himself, but there was a serious conflict in the spiritual realm. Spiritual forces that dominate physical kingdoms and territories did not want him to receive his answer to prayer. But Daniel did not give up. God dispatched more angels and finally, the answer to Daniel’s prayer came, twenty-one days later. 

Fasting doesn’t move God; it just moves us into His spiritual realm. Whether you’re seeking deliverance or wanting to walk in victory every day, develop a lifestyle of fasting. Share on X

Most of us are not fighting spiritual warfare on the level of national importance, but the very same weapons that great men of God used in the Bible are available to us as well. It’s a matter of humbling ourselves before God in fasting. Whether you’re seeking deliverance or wanting to walk in victory every day, develop a lifestyle of fasting. Fasting doesn’t move God; it just moves us into His spiritual realm. 

When I was bound by pornography, I humbled myself before God in fasting.  God extended his grace to me and gave me freedom. Today, together with our Hungry Generation Church, we fast for three days every month as a lifestyle because we have a calling to fulfill, calamities to overcome, spiritual enemies to conquer and our personal connection to God to maintain. 

Instead of just dealing with the symptoms of problems, use these powerful tools to remove the root of spiritual issues and conflicts. Share on X

When you understand that the unseen world around us is spiritual, prayer becomes absolutely vital. When you come to the realization that there is a spiritual conflict going on constantly, fasting must become a regular habit. The spiritual enemy is always seeking ways to “steal, kill or destroy” your God-given joy in life (John 10:10). Fasting and prayer are vital weapons you must use to acquire victories.  

Instead of just dealing with the symptoms of problems, use these powerful tools to remove the root of spiritual issues and conflicts. Don’t just deal with the symptoms; kill the roots.

This blog was written by Pastor Vlad
