
Featured image for 'The God of the Valley and Mountaintops'

The God of the Valley and Mountaintops

Good Times and Bad Times Everyone experiences these two times in the journey of life: good times and bad times.

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“Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them.To

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Featured image for 'Growing Instead Of Getting'

Growing Instead Of Getting

In this message we learn of how God entrusts each person according to their ability. He expects us to be

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Featured image for 'What Do You Seek?'

What Do You Seek?

Everyone Seeks Something Psalm 63: 1-3, “Oh God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts

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Featured image for 'Keep Satan Out'

Keep Satan Out

There is spiritual warfare going on around us – it is unseen but it is often felt in different aspects

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Featured image for 'The Need for Relationship'

The Need for Relationship

The greatest relationship that you are in need of is with God. From relationship with Him flows everything else. How

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Featured image for 'At My Disposal'

At My Disposal

Have you ever wondered what God could possibly do with you? Have you felt that you don’t have anything to

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Featured image for 'A Book that Reads Us'

A Book that Reads Us

Pastor Martin continues the sermon series, Digging Wells. On our last sermon of the year he dives into reading your

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Featured image for 'Heavenly Currency'

Heavenly Currency

Pastor Martin shares a word on how heaven has a currency and that currency is faith. He touches on how

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Featured image for 'Grateful Heart'

Grateful Heart

Pastor Martin shared about what it is for us to live a life that has a healthy heart, a grateful

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Featured image for 'Double Portion Blessing'

Double Portion Blessing

Pastor Martin continued the series “Be Rich”. He shared about how in Christ Jesus we are the first born and

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Featured image for 'Committed to the Process'

Committed to the Process

This week Pastor Martin shares a message titled, “Committed to the Process”. In this message, he encourages to persevere through

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