Digging Wells of Revival This sermon emphasizes the importance of spiritual wells in our lives and the church. Water is God’s gift, but itRead More
Where His Presence Goes, His Power Flows The church isn’t built around a personality but around God’s presence, power, and purpose. When we focus on Him, HeRead More
The Posture of the Pleasing Spiritual alignment is essential for a life that pleases the Lord. It is not about striving through human effort butRead More
God’s Path Through the Storm In times of uncertainty, when no path seems visible, God proves that He can make a way where there isRead More
Why Are People Leaving HungryGen? Pastor Vlad discusses the big changes taking place at HungryGen, emphasizing that these shifts are part of a prophetic calling.Read More
Spiritual Inheritance Imagine a young heir, born into a royal family, yet unaware of the vast inheritance waiting for him. He struggles,Read More
God’s Plan for Marriage This sermon, Make Room: A Biblical Perspective on Marriage, emphasizes how to not only enter into marriage but also howRead More
How To Quit Porn This sermon highlights three essential ways to reject lust and live a life of purity. First, setting clear boundaries isRead More
Are They The One? The sermon “Are They The One?” by Vlad examines the biblical foundation for singleness and marriage, offering guidance on discerningRead More
God’s Heart For The Poor This sermon emphasizes the Christian call to help the poor as an act of justice, mercy, and humility, rooted inRead More
Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025! Growth Catalyzes ChangeGrowing people naturally experience transformation. Embrace growth as the key to breaking barriers, opening doors, and receiving God’sRead More
When You Fast Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. In Matthew 6:16–18, Jesus teaches that fasting should be doneRead More