Cash In On Your Inheritance

The Bible Is Your Inheritance As A Child of God

God has made us His heir. He has left us an Old Testament and a New Testament. Another word for testament is will. When somebody dies, they leave behind a will that governs every single thing that they own and how it is going to be dispersed among the people that have been left behind, also known as heirs. As children of God, we have something passed down to us with the death of Jesus.

God’s will is laid out in His Word – His Word is His Will! For a will to be invoked, there has to be a death of the Testator (Hebrews 9:16). In our case, Jesus. How do we know what He left us? We have got to read His Will, the Bible.

The Holy Spirit’s job is to make known what your inheritance is, (John 16:14-15).

As we can see in the Lords prayer “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” that something is going on in the heavenly realm that Jesus wants to bring into the earthly realm. 

The kingdom of heaven comes into our heart through prayer, worship, sacrifice, being in the Bible, understanding the Word. And then from the abundance of our heart, our mouth speaks. God brought everything into this world through speaking and since we are made in His image we can get the kingdom of Heaven into this realm through speaking.

1. Go get your Bible – Learn to understand the Word and its authority.  

The Word of God is supreme! We have to know what the inheritance is, (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT).

The reason God’s Word convicts us is because God wants to get the wrong out of our lives so we could receive the inheritance. His Word positions us for blessings by driving the darkness out of our lives. If you sow time into Gods Word, you will reap his inheritance, His blessings, (Isaiah 55:11, Psalms 103:20, Hebrews 1:14).

By continuing to seek and knock, your faith is being built up and your doubts are being abolished. Share on X

2. Stand on Business!

“So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” – Mark 11:22-24 NKJV

In Mark 11:22-24, we can see that it is important to “say” and believe what we want to receive. This does not talk about earthly possessions though, but about the kingdom of heaven. The earthly realm responds to what we say. The Word of God is Spirit and Life. So if you speak the Word of God into this realm, you will bring Spirit and Life into this realm.

Part of knowing of what to speak, is knowing what not to speak. Never speak or agree with death. Don’t walk around releasing death, speaking negative. Walk around and release the light. Speak life into your and other people’s lives! Be a conduit for the kingdom of Heaven.

Just as a snake’s venom spreads through a bite, satan gains access when we agree with his lies. 

3. Jesus is perfect Theology, perfect at revealing the Will of God

Jesus was called the Son of Man because He came to show us what we are supposed to be like, to show the power we are supposed to have.

Your miracle is rooted in knowing the character and nature of God, He is a Good Father.

We don’t need to play the game “if it is Your will”, we need to know who Jesus is and with that, we will know His will. We need to activate our faith which we do through speaking. 

Your miracle is rooted in knowing the character and nature of God; He’s a good Father! Share on X

“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak.”2 Corinthians 4:13

4. I’ve done that and it didn’t work

God says keep seeking, knocking, and asking! I tried, it didn’t work. Keep seeking asking and knocking

God isn’t deaf and it’s not that he doesn’t want to answer your prayers.

By continuing to seek and knock, your faith is being built up and your doubts are being abolished.

Sometimes God has to work the Nazareth out of you. You’ve been around church a long time, heard a lot about Jesus, so much that’s it’s just become common instead of special. Repent! 

Remember, the Word typically starts out in seed form first. Keep watering that seed by faith by believing and speaking it. You’re giving breath to it until it comes alive!

5. Offend the devil – Cash in on the love and forgiveness included in your inheritance!!!

The biggest offense to the devil is for you to walk in God’s love and forgiveness, receiving it for yourself and expressing towards others, (Colossians 3:13 NLT). Speak love, light and life! 

Watch The Full Sermon Here:
