Stay Mission-FocusedThe sermon emphasized that every believer is called to fulfill the Great Commission, as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus gaveRead More
Triumphant Over TemptationThis sermon addresses the various forms of temptation, including issues like pride, substance abuse, and laziness, emphasizing that overcoming sinRead More
Name ChangeThe sermon emphasizes the significance of name changes in Scripture as reflections of encounters with God. It highlights how AbramRead More
Hit The Gym Of GodlinessIn the sermon “Hit the Gym of Godliness,” the speaker emphasizes the importance of spiritual discipline and training in theRead More
Yesterday’s ManIn his sermon “Yesterday’s Man,” Pastor Vlad Savchuk emphasizes the spiritual danger of becoming stagnant or obsolete in your relationshipRead More
Cultivating A Relationship With The Holy Spirit In his sermon “Cultivating A Relationship With The Holy Spirit,” Andres Bisonni emphasizes the importance of developing a deep, personalRead More
Refiner’s Fire Dr. Michael Brown’s sermon on the Refiner’s Fire delves into the spiritual process of purification that God brings into theRead More
How To Surrender To The Holy Spirit “How to Surrender to the Holy Spirit” emphasizes the importance of yielding to the Spirit in daily life. Hernandez explainsRead More
Wolf PackIn the sermon, three key tactics for effective Christian living are outlined. First, “One Team, One Fight” emphasizes that everyRead More
Deliverance is FinalOftentimes after deliverance we can still feel bound! In this teaching you will learn why this is and how toRead More
The Warfare WorldviewFollowing Jesus means going to war not going on vacation! Check out this sermon as Pastor Vlad teaches how toRead More
Stand Your GroundYou may be going through a tough time. Your marriage, family, career, finances, and health may be under spiritual attackRead More