Spiritual Inheritance Imagine a young heir, born into a royal family, yet unaware of the vast inheritance waiting for him. He struggles,Read More
Are They The One? The sermon “Are They The One?” by Vlad examines the biblical foundation for singleness and marriage, offering guidance on discerningRead More
Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025! Growth Catalyzes ChangeGrowing people naturally experience transformation. Embrace growth as the key to breaking barriers, opening doors, and receiving God’sRead More
Limitation is an Invitation This message is a reminder of what looks like a limitation is actually an invitation by God. Compassion will takeRead More
Come Out of The Tent This message is a reminder when you are down, see the sand; when it’s dark, see the stars. When God removesRead More
Divine Disruption Get ready for God to SHIFT your LIFE! Listen as Mike Signorelli shares his testimony and an encouraging word aboutRead More
The Church in the End Times Revival is NOW. God is raising up His Church with power, anointing, and courage to fulfill His will. Listen asRead More
Say Yes to God The key to being used by God is surrender. Our love for God is shown by our obedience and ourRead More
Delivered for a Purpose If you feel sorrow and sadness in your soul, or like your life is a continuous fall and don’t knowRead More
Accept Your Reality There are TWO realities in life: the spiritual and the physical. Your spiritual reality has the power to change yourRead More
Living on the Fence Listen to this message as Pastor Vlad Savchuk brings the HEAT about being lukewarm – CHOOSE A SIDE! Don’t liveRead More
Wilderness Wanderings When you can’t feel God, what do you do? To finish off the ‘Fight Back’ sermon series, Pastor Vlad broughtRead More