The Greatness of John the Baptist Have you ever wondered the role that you play in life? You have a destiny to fulfill! Listen to thisRead More
Carriers of the Kingdom Brian shares a compelling message about the call God has placed on your life: a call for Commitment, Discipline, andRead More
Indebted to the Gospel Pastor Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message about the importance of sharing the Gospel and how believers are called to doRead More
Followers Fish Johanan shares a sermon about the key differences between being a follower and a fan of Jesus. It’s an encouragingRead More
Ask of Me George Davidiuk shares a timely word encouraging people to “ask of God”. We believe that when we ask of God,Read More
Urgency For Souls Evangelist Ivan talked about the importance to evangelize because Jesus has commanded us to do so. We have the unlimitedRead More
What is a Christian? Dylan Long shared the fundamental truths about the what is meaning of a christian. How to live like one andRead More
Soul Winning Through Healing Ivan shared the truths about soul winning through healing and practical steps which we can win souls for Gods Kingdom.Read More
3 Stages of Freedom Pastor Ilya continued on the series of Break Free. He took a place from Revelation which talked about that weRead More
Not Ashamed of the Gospel Mario Murillo shared a powerful message on not being ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of Christ.Read More
Wake Up Call This week Pastor Vlad continued very deeply emotional message on the series called Answer the Call where he preached heartRead More
Lessons from Football This week Pastor Vlad continued the series called Answer the Call where he preached a inspiriting message titled, Lessons fromRead More