Adjustment of JonahThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about receiving the correction from God.Read More
Food Poison TreatmentThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about everything is covered by the blood of Jesus but that doesRead More
The Tale of Two TreesThis week, Vladimir Savchuk reveals the difference between religion and christianity.Read More
Condemning CondemnationThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk reveals the difference between condemnation and conviction. Removing condemnation from your thoughts.Read More
Conflict in the SynagogueThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about conflict in the synagogue.Read More
The Scarlet CordThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk reveals when you feel burnt out, you need to cling to the cross.Read More
Prosperity of the SoulThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about prosperity of the soul.Read More
Contrast of GivingThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about our Father is a good giver.Read More
Delivering KnowledgeThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on knowing the knowledge of God.Read More
Rewardable JourneyThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about the rewardable journey.Read More
The Work of TruthThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the work of truth. The truth sets us free, and satan canRead More