Passion for the PresenceIvan shares a refreshing message about how important the presence of God is for lives of believers and what itRead More
Carriers of the KingdomBrian shares a compelling message about the call God has placed on your life: a call for Commitment, Discipline, andRead More
Dry Bones Shall Become an ArmyPastor Vlad shares an invigorating message about dry bones being brought to life again in your life – it challengesRead More
Portrait of a DisciplePastor Vlad shares a message about how a disciple is called to live, highlighting the need to walk in obedienceRead More
Spiritual BirthmarksPastor Vlad speaks a powerful message about what salvation means, what it looks like, and what it means to beRead More
Powered by the PentecostPastor Vlad shares a powerful message about the power of Holy Spirit and how we are called to walk withRead More
Striking the ColorsPastor Rikhard shares a message of holding up your faith and not surrendering to the enemy in the midst ofRead More
Holy Spirit, The HelperThis week Ivan takes us on a journey to discovering who the Holy Spirit is, He’s our helper, our friendRead More
Gift of TonguesPastor Ilya speaks on the Gift of Tounges and its benefits. How the gift of tongues enhances, builds, heals, givesRead More
Wells Without WaterPastor Vlad continues the sermon series, “Digging Wells” he dives deep into the ins and outs of honor. Being separateRead More
Life that Pleases GodAndrey Shapoval speaks on living a Life that Pleases God. When God HAS you, He can then and only thenRead More
What Should I Do?Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series “Towels & Titles” where he speaks a practical message on how to begin toRead More