3 Stages of FreedomPastor Ilya continued on the series of Break Free. He took a place from Revelation which talked about that weRead More
Renewing of the MindPastor Vlad continued #BreakFree series with powerful follow up message on Renewing of the Mind. Where your mind goes, yourRead More
7 Dimensions of the Relationship with the Holy SpiritAndres Bisonni shared amazing secrets to having deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. He breaks down in depth about 7Read More
Dating is like DrivingThis week pastor Vlad preached powerful message to the youth about purity and standards. He used practical example of drivingRead More
Spiritual Warfare in MarriageThis week Pastor Vlad finishes the series #RelationshipGoals with message that becomes an answer too many couples of how toRead More
4 Lessons to Greater MarriageThis week Pastor Vlad continues new series #RelationshipGoals with message 7 years in the making titled “4 LESSONS TO GREATERRead More
Devil Made Me Do ItStand alone message by Pastor Vlad on how to be free from demonic oppression. Vlad shares 4 practical steps onRead More
10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual DroughtHere is a short word of encouragement Pastor Vlad shared this week on Facebook live. Be sure to listen inRead More
Exclusive Interview with Andrey Shapoval Part 1Exclusive Interview with Andrey Shapoval Part 1Read More
Rightful FocusThis weekend, Apostle John Chi shares with a message from his heart during our annual Raised to Deliver Conference.Read More
Breaking Generational CursesThis weekend, Pastor Vlad spoke a message titled, “Breaking Bloodline Curses” where he shares with us special insight and soundRead More
Let Go of the PastThis weekend, Pastor Vlad concludes the FOURTH DIMENSION series with a message titled “Bury the Corpse,” where he shares thatRead More