Carrying the Ark of God George Davidiuk highlights the Ark of God and the significance of the story. He ties in the themes to ourRead More
Pay With Attention Pastor Vlad brings truth about how valuable our attention is and shares practical steps on redirecting our focus to GodRead More
Married but Miserable Have you felt hopeless in your relationship? Have you wanted to give up? Are you in a seemingly never-ending cycleRead More
Shift in Focus In this message, Matt Cruz talks about what focus looks like for a believer and he answers the question, “WhyRead More
Followers Fish Johanan shares a sermon about the key differences between being a follower and a fan of Jesus. It’s an encouragingRead More
Sheep Without a Shepherd Pastor Vlad talks about the importance of culture in the church and the need for a community for believers.Read More
Lest They Multiply Pastor Vlad shared an encouraging message about what it really means to be a disciple of Christ – and whatRead More
Abandoned Well Pastor Vlad started new series “Digging Wells” where he explores how the enemy uses the cares of life to plugRead More
Potential > Position Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series “Towels & Titles” where He speaks about how our value is not determined byRead More
Way-out of Burnout Pastor Vlad continues the series “Towels & Titles”. He goes deeper into the three core issues of burnout in ministry:Read More
Urgency For Souls Evangelist Ivan talked about the importance to evangelize because Jesus has commanded us to do so. We have the unlimitedRead More