Afflicted But Not Restricted This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on being saved for a purpose.Read More
Rainbow Promise This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the rainbow promise.Read More
Missionary Mindset This week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on having a missionary mindset.Read More
Miracles in the Basket This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about gathering up our blessings and learning how to budget your finances.Read More
Excitement at the Edge of the Cliff This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about living a life full of excitement.Read More
Justified Risk This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about the importance of taking a step of faith.Read More
Answer the Call This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about life without Jesus is pointless, life without a purpose will beRead More
Laughter of Faith This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message on how God wants to bring you laughter after the breakthrough youRead More
Anoint my Head with Oil This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about standing on the promises of God, never giving up, keep fightingRead More
Rules for Relationship This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the rules of relationship.Read More
Knowledge That Has God Behind It This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on reaching progress and good health by knowing Holy Spirit’s power.Read More