Carrying the Ark of GodGeorge Davidiuk highlights the Ark of God and the significance of the story. He ties in the themes to ourRead More
Pay With AttentionPastor Vlad brings truth about how valuable our attention is and shares practical steps on redirecting our focus to GodRead More
Married but MiserableHave you felt hopeless in your relationship? Have you wanted to give up? Are you in a seemingly never-ending cycleRead More
At My DisposalHave you ever wondered what God could possibly do with you? Have you felt that you don’t have anything toRead More
Vision CollisionWhat is vision? How do you hear God’s voice? What is God’s vision for YOUR life?Read More
Indebted to the GospelPastor Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message about the importance of sharing the Gospel and how believers are called to doRead More
Followers FishJohanan shares a sermon about the key differences between being a follower and a fan of Jesus. It’s an encouragingRead More
Sheep Without a ShepherdPastor Vlad talks about the importance of culture in the church and the need for a community for believers.Read More
Lest They MultiplyPastor Vlad shared an encouraging message about what it really means to be a disciple of Christ – and whatRead More
Becoming by BeholdingPastor Slavik continues the sermon series, “Digging Wells” and speaks on focusing our attention on God and allowing Him toRead More
Revival LifestyleIsaiah Saldivar preached about how revival cannot be just a one day event or a season but a lifestyle. HeRead More
Identity AmnesiaPastor Vlad continued Secret Place series with powerful message on Identity Amnesia. In this message you will learn that ifRead More