
Featured image for 'Miracle Catch'

Miracle Catch

Pastor Vlad preached a message on our vision and mission is people. He went to take example from the story

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Featured image for 'Three Chairs'

Three Chairs

Pastor Vlad preached a message on Easter service called the “Three Chairs” He talked about 3 people in the bible

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Featured image for 'Lights Before The Sun'

Lights Before The Sun

Pastor Vlad preached a message on Raised to Deliver conference about how God operates in a different way the way

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Featured image for 'Power of Testimony'

Power of Testimony

Pastor Vlad preached powerful message on Power of Testimony. Your testimony can change someone’s life.

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Featured image for 'Don’t Cancel Your Miracle'

Don’t Cancel Your Miracle

Pastor Vlad preached spontaneous message about the faith of the centurion. This message will bring hope and healing to your

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Featured image for 'Faith Activated'

Faith Activated

Zack preached a message on Faith Activated. He went into detail on how to live a life where we step

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Featured image for 'Marks of Spirit Filled Life'

Marks of Spirit Filled Life

Pastor Vlad preached a powerful message on, Marks of Spirit Filled Life‚ at Generation 4 Truth in Vancouver, WA.

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Featured image for 'When You Don’t Get Healed'

When You Don’t Get Healed

Pastor Vlad continued on the Healing Series. He preached a message on what happens and what to do when you

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Featured image for 'How To Receive Your Healing'

How To Receive Your Healing

Pastor Vlad continues the Healing Series and shares 10 practical steps on how to receive your healing according to the

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Featured image for 'Healing Explosion'

Healing Explosion

Pastor Vlad stated a new series on healing. This series will talk about how it’s the will of God to

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Featured image for 'Leave Your Grave'

Leave Your Grave

Pastor Vlad preached powerful sermon at Living Streams Youth in Jacksonville about Leave Your Grave. This will message will help you

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Featured image for 'Путь к Свободе'

Путь к Свободе

Пастор Влад сказал очень сильное слово в церкви Живой Поток, Jacksonville FL о том как найти свободу Боге из истории

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