Designed to Worship

We were created to worship our Lord and Him alone. The times of casual approaches to worship leading are over. The war has begun and we are the forefront of the army. Church is not a platform to highlight our gifts and talents. However, we can use our gifts to highlight the one who created them in us (John 12:32).

We are not entertainers. We did not come for a good time. We are soldiers in the army of the Almighty God. The time has come where lukewarm Christian worship leaders need to make a choice (Rev. 3:16). You are either all in or all out. We do not show up to service for the crowd and the applause. God alone is worthy (Deut. 10:21).

Fashion statements and your favorite worship song is not what will deliver the oppressed. Worship leaders need to arrive with more than their stylish outfits and start coming with some power. The power of God through them that can only be cultivated, molded and grown in a place of intimacy (Matt. 6:6). Sunday worship should be like an overflowing well. Monday through Saturday we are filling the well till it is past the brim. In other words, we are filling ourselves with the word, worship and time in His presence. When service comes we will not be drawing out of a dry well, but on the contrary, we will overflow with His living waters. People are thirsty for Holy Spirit and they can’t drink from a dry and empty well.

That “worship culture” that has been building is burning to the ground (1 Cor. 3:10-12). We see many ministries creating their own culture. I am not talking about the style or genre of music each house chooses to do. It is a heart condition that I speak of. Why are we trying to recreate a culture that has already been established? The only culture we should be following and living is the culture Jesus asks us to follow which is right in the scripture to worship in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24).

The only culture we should be following and living is the culture Jesus asks us to follow – in spirit and in truth. Share on X

All that should be left is raw, relentless discipleship to Jesus. Our passion for worship and music cannot be greater than our passion for the one we are singing about. We don’t worship God for our pleasure, but for His pleasure. Our motivation to lead worship is not to please people, but to please God.

God will thoroughly examine each and every one of hearts and He sees if we crave the praises of men (Jer. 17:10) (1 Thes. 2:3-5). The word reminds us to realize that it is a privilege to worship our God (Ps. 100:3). May we never forget the privilege it is to worship Him. The world right now needs leaders that are faithful to the call, because they simply love Jesus. If we are to become true worshipers, we must die to ourselves every day (Rom. 12:1). When we are out of our own way then Holy Spirit can lead us into battle the way He intended. May we always turn our face to the Lord as we lead others into His presence and not elsewhere.

If we want to ascend the hill of the Lord we must come with pure hearts and clean hands (Ps. 24:3). We do not worship for the audience of many, but for the audience of one. If we allow ourselves to be consumed with competition, self-gratification and jealousy we will become more selfish and the more selfish you become, the more likely you are to worship yourself. The spotlight is not our reward. Our reward is Jesus. Our reward is His presence. Our reward is giving Him glory (Ps. 115:1).

The spotlight is not our reward. Our reward is Jesus. Our reward is His presence. Our reward is giving Him glory. Share on X

I pray that we will allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit and not our own fleshly ambitions. That we will invest in what is eternal and not in the things of this world (John 12:23-26). May we pursuit His presence more than we pursue the thrills of music and performance. Lord we repent if we have made it about ourselves when it was always about you (Heb. 10:19-22), (Ps. 51:1), (Acts 3:20). Help us to turn away from the temptation to love worship more than the one we worship. May we approach the throne with humility and servanthood to further advance your kingdom.
