Jesus said that if person continues to live in sin they are slaves to sin. If they are slaves they can’t continue to stay in the house (John 8:34-35). It means that without freedom there is no consistency. Jesus said that He can set people free, but Pharisees responded “we were never in bondage.” One of the biggest deceptions of bound people is that they think they are free. So first step to receiving freedom is RECOGNIZING that we need to be free.
Second step is REPENTANCE. By repentance we close open doors to demons. By confessing our sins we uproot the cause of that demonic activity in our life. Some sins that we need to repent of are pretty obvious, sometimes the Holy Spirit will convict us specifically. Repent for sins of forefathers, not so that they will get salvation but to close the open door and break devils legal right. Repent of any unforgiveness and forgive those who hurt you because without forgiveness there is no freedom.
Read: 5 Steps to Overcome Nightmares
RENOUNCING is the third step. Bible says that we have renounced the hidden things of shame. (2 Corinthians 4:2). By renouncing we are breaking the connection with Satan We have to renounce our connection to the devil, demons and his kingdom.
After we receive freedom, devil will try to come back with same thoughts, feelings and situation to tempt us into believing that we are not free. Therefore step four is important to RESIST the devil. We read in Scriptures that we are to submit to God (repentance and renounce) and then resist the devil. Resisting the devil means to speak God’s word as Jesus in the wilderness and to rebuke him when he tries to bring us into our old bondage. As Pharaoh came back to attack Israel after they got freed, God allowed to drown him in the sea once a for all.
Demons come inside to destroy persons life, but also to build within that person mind set, that even when demons leave that mind set, it will continue to torment the person.
Read: Three types of curses
Demons come quickly and exit the same, but strongholds are build over time and get destroyed overtime. Therefore step five is very important RENEW your mind. Scripture says that our live is transformed when our minds are renewed. (Rom.12:2) And Jesus said when we know the truth, we will be free. (John 8:31-32). Real freedom has to come with changing our way of thinking.
Last step and probably most important one is REPLACE. We have to let the Holy Spirit have the control of us at least to the degree we yielded to the demons. Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. In the original language is says where the Spirit is Lord there is freedom. When we give Holy Spirit place of Lordship, we begin to experience real freedom. Freedom is not absence of demons, but presence of Spirit of God. God does not set you free so that you can do what you want to, but so that you can be filled with Him more. If we miss that, we end up attracting more demons into our life and our later problems become worse than earlier.
Read: Who are demons?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I recognize that I need your deliverance. I repent of any sins that allowed demons to torment my life. I repent of any sin of my ancestors that have been affecting my life. I close every open door in the spiritual world. I disconnect myself from every chain Satan might have used to bind me. I command every evil spirit to lose it’s grip from my life and mind in Jesus name. Right now by the power of God’s word I choose to think different about my life. I change my confession from defeat to victory. I ask precious Holy Spirit to fill every empty part of my life in Jesus name.
This blog was written by Vladimir Savchuk.
Pastor Vlad is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church, an author of “Break Free” and “Single, Ready to Mingle” and a founder of free online school “Vlad’s School.” To download free e-books, sermon series, small group study guides go to
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
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