There are only few days left until the Holy Spirit Conference and you are personally invited to join us. If you haven’t marked your calendars, here are 16 reasons why YOU NEED to be at this conference! Let’s get started.
- It’s FREE! – At Hungry Gen we believe that the presence of God is priceless. So, we offer this event for free, for anyone, and everyone. Our focus at Hungry Gen is to win souls. So, bring your friends, family, and loved ones; and expect God to touch their lives. Transformation is on its way!
- You need to encounter Holy Spirit– Many treat the Holy Spirit as a force, instead of a friend. He has become the forgotten God. I believe this conference will be a powerful catalyst in your next step in walking with Holy Spirit.
- You will realize that Jesus is alive today by the miracles you will encounter– Anywhere where Jesus is glorified, the Holy Spirit moves by signs and wonders. I am excited because Julia who could not walk for six months and was totally paralyzed; was healed in April of this year. She is also coming back to share her testimony‚ to prove that God is real. Kacy who was diagnosed with bipolar and schizophrenia for many years, will also share at this conference how God also healed her in April of this year. It is possible that in this coming conference God can heal you!
- You can receive your freedom from addictions and demons– Where the spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! Trust that the light of the Holy Spirit will break every chain of addiction and expose every darkness in your life. Expect to receive total freedom from your situation. God uses Andres powerfully to heal and deliver people.
- You will visit the beautiful Tri-Cities – Come and enjoy the flowing Columbia River and our famous sunsets. It’s a small city with a big flavor. It is a diverse pool, with many different cultures and languages. You will fall in love with our small-town hospitality in the great Pacific North West.
- You would get a chance to hear world renown evangelist Andres Bisonni– Born in Argentina, he dedicated his life to Christ at the age of 13. A supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit changed his life forever. God called him to preach the gospel, pray for the sick, and to take the fire of the Holy Spirit to the nations. Andres has traveled the world sharing the good news in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- We will release our new single “I see the angels.” Our Hungry Gen Worship team is releasing a powerful song; about seeing God’s angels ascending and descending when we serve Him. I am confident this song will minister to people powerfully. It will be released at the conference in an electronic format.
- If you are lost in sin, you can get saved– There is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot wash away. If you are struggling with sin or you have been drawn away from the Lord, we want to encourage you to be open with Him; and allow the blood of Jesus to wash away every stain from your soul. He wants to remove your shame and guilt, so you may come blameless before the throne. It is your time to step out of bondage and into his promise.
- You will be able to receive impartation of Gods gifts and anointing into your life– We believe in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left the Earth he gave us the Holy Spirit as a gift, so we may have the same power in us, this power rose Christ from the dead. If you are coming with a strong desire for gifts of the Holy Spirit like interpretation of tongues, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, then we encourage you to come; and expect the Holy Spirit to activate those gifts in you.
- You can learn about our internship and perhaps even sign up for it– Do you have anything going after the summer? Maybe you’re curious on how the supernatural works or how to make practical ministry more practical? Come check out our internship booth and sign up for an exciting nine-month program with us‚ in our first young adult internship.
- You will worship God with thousands of other believers– Where two or three are gather in his name, it is certain that the presence of God will be known. Be prepared to praise and worship with all your might! Get ready to get on your feet and dance like David; and sing like a heavenly choir as we worship our King side-by-side, with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
- You will be inspired by Hungry Gen’s vision to reach out to the lost– “Win Souls and Make Disciples!” That is our motto and vision. It’s not just about the numbers, but it is about helping the broken, so they can be restored and give their lives to Jesus. We believe that anyone can be taken out of a CRISIS and put into CHRIST.
- You will be spiritually revived to pursue God’s call for your life– The Devil will do everything he can to make us spiritually dead. If you are struggling with your spiritual life, come with an open heart; and a teachable spirit and God will revive your thirst and hunger for his presence.
- You can find your wife if you are single– Are you my friend single and ready to mingle? The Lord may bless you with a special someone during this conference. Although, the event won’t be focused on romance, do not limit the Lord’s plan for your life. He is full of surprises. God does not want man to be alone. Furthermore, a man who has found a wife has found a good thing. So, for all you strong mighty men and women of God out there, be prepared, VERY prepared. For “The One” for you may just be around the corner.
- You will develop lifelong connections– Being a part of the family of Christ is a true privilege. Be open to connecting with new people and networking with other ministries. You may end up making lifelong friends with other brothers and sisters in Christ that will uplift you and bless you for a life time.
- You can obtain my “BREAK FREE” book– Yes! I have released the long-awaited book about my journey of deliverance and the process of maintaining that freedom. This book will be available in hardcopy and paperback. It will make a perfect gift for those who need freedom that you know of.
So, there you have it folks. 16 spectacular reasons why we should be expecting you at the Holy Spirit Conference with Andres Bisonni. It is going to be powerful, a little crazy, and full of the Holy Ghost! We will see you there.
This blog was written by Vladimir Savchuk.
Pastor Vlad is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church, an author of “Break Free” and “Single, Ready to Mingle” and a founder of free online school “Vlad’s School.” To download free e-books, sermon series, small group study guides go to
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How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Vasiliy Parkhotyuk
- Ilya Parkhotyuk
- Liliya Savchuk
- Martin Parkhotyuk
- Glenn Fink
- Mariana Parkhotyuk
- Brittany Hartikainen
- Rikhard Hartikainen
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Bryson Still
- Zack Parkhotyuk
- Ivan Semenyuk
- Everett Roeth
- Liliya Savchuk
- Hungry Gen
- Daniela Astley
- Internship
- HowToDoStuff
- John Chi
- Andres Bisonni
- Bob Larson
- George Davidiuk
- Helena Landin
- Austin Svangren
- Genesis Sifuentez
- Lana Savchuk
- Sulamita Savchuk
- Andrey Shapoval
- Testimonies
- Diana Kasaev
- Elijah Waters
- Isaiah Saldivar
- Shepherd Bushiri
- Alexandra Peiffer
- Brother Hyeok Park
- Edward Gardiner
- Joey Zamora
- Johanan Nunez
- Matt Cruz
- Mel Bond
- Mike Signorelli
- Prayer
- Wise Man Harry
- Adrian Alejandre
- Alexander Pagani
- Alex Dragonchuk
- Ben Fitzgerald
- Bill Wiese
- Casey Slack
- Corey Russell
- David Diga Hernandez
- General CS Upthegrove
- Jacob Ochoa
- Jamie Villarreal
- Jason Lozano
- Jason Noble
- John LeMar
- Liliya Savchuk
- Lizeth Roeth
- Mario Murillo
- Oriel Ballano
- Pablo Cuevas
- Petr Gaydarzhi
- Roman Trachuk
- Terry Page
- Aleksey Ledeyev
- Andy Douglas
- Angie Fillips
- Ashish Mubarak
- Boyd Wilson
- Brian Vela
- Brian Jennings
- Calin Ciupe
- Charles Dixon
- Daniel Adams
- David Colby
- Dimitri Nosarev
- Dmitri Sarioglo
- Christopher McBride
- Dylan Long
- Erik Parkhotyuk
- George Chechelnitskiy
- Jeff Feldhahn
- Jesse Campos
- Ivan Gavrilyuk
- Julie Semenyuk
- Kelly Lohrke
- Kelly Small
- Konstantin Tochinskiy
- Larisa Parkhotyuk
- Lika Roman
- Luis Vargas
- Emmanuel Adeyeye
- Pastor Marco Garcia
- Meesh Fomenko
- Mike Khochay
- Pavel Radchuk
- Peter Kumar
- Phil Gungor
- Rick Garcia
- Roman Sheremeta
- Ruslan Andreychenko
- Shurby Long
- Slavic Radchuk
- Slavik Shishikin
- Solomiya Parkhotyuk
- Viktor Prohor