How to Walk In Your Dangerous Authority

We are dangerous in the eyes of the devil. We are here to take the world back from the Kingdom of darkness by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are four points to help you walk in your dangerous authority in Christ:

  1. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR IDENTITY – Romans 8:31-39, John 1:12 –Jesus died for us so that we may become children of God and have our names written in the Lamb’s book of life. When we truly believe that Jesus Christ died for us and He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit, this gives us the same authority that Jesus Christ had on earth.
  2. ACCESSING YOUR AUTHORITY – Colossians 2:14 – In the name of Jesus, we have the power to cast demons out, heal the sick, prophesy and utilize the gifts and character of the Holy Spirit. 
  3. ACQUIRING YOUR WEAPONRY – Ephesians 6 talks about the full armor of God which we are too utilize to fight the good fight of faith and operate in the authority of God. 
  4. ATTACKING THE ENEMY – Any sickness from a cold to cancer is not our portion on earth. All sicknesses and all demons will flee in Jesus’ mighty name. Make yourself available to the Lord.  The war has already been won; you are just fighting a little battle, (James 4:7). 

The enemy is here to kill, steal and destroy but what we have been designed and destined to do is to take back what he has stolen from us, our friends, and our family. That is why we are dangerous. 

[The blog is written by Edward Gardiner; Sermon by Casey Slack.]
