How God Speaks Today
I want to tell you about the key to a blessed life. To live a blessed life is not something mysterious or abstract. It is measurable and tangible. The blessed life is a principle that if we embrace, understand and walk it out, we will live a life of blessing.
A life of blessing can mean different things to each person. For someone, it could mean being financially blessed while for others it means good health or a good family life. It should be different because we are all uniquely made in the image of God. There is a principle of God we need to live a blessed life which applied to us all.
Obedience Is Essential
Deuteronomy 28:1-2, “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your Tod, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.”
Deuteronomy 18:1-14 tells us the amazing blessings God has for His obedient children. God told the nation of Israel that His desire was to bless them and for them to have a blessed life of purpose. The first two verses are the condition or prerequisites for the next 12 verses of blessings to happen.
Obedience to God’s Word is what creates a blessed life. Not hearing or reading God’s Word but the obedience of acting on God’s Word creates a life of blessing. Obedience to God’s voice keeps you in His will, protection and provision. When you walk in the will of God, He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory and you will walk in God’s protection. We must stop living outside the will of God. In the will of God, there is purpose, protection and provision.
Genesis 6:22, “Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.”
What was Noah’s job? It was both simple and complicated at the same time. He had to look out for his household family. Later, God gave him wisdom to build an ark which he did out of obedience but his purpose was simple.
We often over complicate the will and purpose of God. We think it is something mysterious or abstract. Sometimes we go through different seasons in life and we have to be sensitive to the voice of God each time. In some seasons, this is the will of God for us, simply to take care of our family. It can be to finish school, start a business, to raise your children in the way of the Lord or go into a new ministry or project. It might change any moment from now but that can be the season and will of God you are in right now. When we are in the will of God, there is provision and protection. We should not let modern culture talk us out of the will of God.
In Genesis 9:1, God blessed Noah and his sons because he did all that God commanded. Our goal is to know the will of God for our lives in this current season. To know the will of God, you need to learn how to hear God speak.

Six Keys To Hearing God’s Voice
The scripture we read contained two contingencies for the blessings of God. Firstly, we have to obey God’s voice and secondly, observe all His commandments.
1.You Need To Understand You Can Hear God’s Voice
You have the ability to hear God speak if you are a born-again Christian. That is the foundation. When you are learning how to hear God, one of the first attacks of the enemy is to make you question whether you actually heard from God. Praying and fasting more do not add to your ability to hear God. You are a son or daughter of God and are able to hear Him.
2. Prioritise Your Alone Time With God
This is very important to develop in order to hear God speak. This enables you to focus and get rid of distractions. Then, even if what you hear sounds astounding, impossible or outrageous, you can know that it was the voice of God. It requires faith to act the Lord’s voice.
3. Be Filled With God’s Word And You Will Get Familiar With His Voice
When we are focused on hearing God’s voice, we can neglect the written Word of God. What helps us to tune in to hear God more clearly is the Word of God. When you do this, you will be able to make wise choices. When you become more familiar with the voice of God and way He speaks, you are able to act upon it with confidence.
4. Pay Attention To God’s Promptings: What To Do
When you hear God prompting you to do things, examine that in the light of God’s written Word, then act upon them. If your life is not moving forward, it is not because God is not speaking but because either you don’t recognise when He speaks or you don’t act upon what He says. You have to act upon God’s promptings; they often come in response to your prayers. You never know what God will use your obedience to His promptings to do and what doors it will open to you.
5. Pay Attention To Your Tension
If God’s promptings are for us to do something, the feeling of tension after prayer is a warning from God of what we should not do. When you look on the surface with your logical mind, a decision might seem good yet you can have tension in your spirit against it. When it doesn’t feel right, sometimes that is a tension or guidance from God.
6. Honour Prophetic Words And Act On Them
2 Chronicles 20:20, “Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets and you will succeed.”
I want to encourage you to lean to listen to God’s voice and how to hear Him whichever avenue He takes to speak. He may talk through dreams, visions, promptings, tensions and the still small voice in your heart among many others; listen to hear what God is saying to you today. This is enough for you to position yourself in the will of God and to live a blessed life.
Sermon By Ilya Parkhotyuk; Blog By Edward Gardiner
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
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