Mid-Year Recap!

2017 has been an exciting year at HungryGen with the power of God on the move in new ways, touching the hearts and lives of people within our community and around the world. “Thousands locally and millions globally” is not only a mantra but it’s a vision and a lifestyle that has been adopted at the very heart and core of HungryGen. With a mission so great, only a Great God could cause it to come to fruition.

Milestones have not only been met, but the expectations of this year have been far exceeded, producing a hunger that even surpasses HungryGen status. Just half way through the year there have already been 200 salvations and 12 baptisms. Our annual “Raised to Deliver” conference was a spirit-filled success with 1600 people in attendance, 32 salvations, countless healings and over $40,000 raised and donated to the ministry of Apostle John Chi. Through our ministry, 30 pairs of shoes were donated to less fortunate children, a 2 month supply of food was provided for single mothers and their children, 300 people were provided vitamins for a year, 150 meals were provided for children, 30 coats donated to children in need, and 3 cars given away. HungryGen gives back and will continue to be a helping hand to those in need.

With millennials on the rise, social media has been the best resource to reach out to the youth of our generation. This year, HungryGen hit 23k likes on Facebook and 12,000 YouTube subscribers, allowing us to spread the message of the Gospel to people from all over the world. God is increasing our influence in our community and around the world, giving life and meaning to “Thousands locally and millions globally.” This is just the beginning of what God is doing in the year 2017 and we hope that you will join us in the blessing of God for the second half of this amazing year!
