Doubt can drown you. Doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, Peter and Thomas had moments of doubt in their walk of faith. At times, doubt occurs when what we expect is not happening; and, what shouldn’t be happening is happening.
Doubt is not unbelief, but it can lead to unbelief. Share on XIt’s important to know the difference between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is not unbelief, but it can lead to unbelief. Here is the difference between doubt and unbelief:
– Doubt says ‚ÄúI can‚Äôt believe, I need more proof‚Äù; unbelief says ‚ÄúI wouldn‚Äôt believe in spite of evidence.‚Äù
– Doubt is honest; unbelief is stubborn.
– Doubt is looking for the light; unbelief is content with darkness.
Jesus helps doubters, but He cannot tolerate unbelief. To overcome doubt, keep this in mind:
1. Don’t miss community. Doubt feeds on isolation. Thomas, Jesus’ disciple, missed the meeting with disciples and his doubts started. Stay close to others. Don’t live in isolation. Snowflakes when by themselves are weak, but when joined with others they are an unstoppable force.
2. Remember what God has done. We tend to focus on what is not happening during doubting times. We love to obsess with what God is not doing. That will only increase our doubt. Sometimes you have to remember your past victories over lion and bear to fuel your confidence against the present problem of Goliath.
3. Remember how much Jesus loves you. Jesus showed Thomas the marks that his sin left on Jesus, and all the doubt that Thomas had vanished. God said in Isaiah 49:14-16 that He has inscribed us on His hands, therefore He will never forget us. His stripes heal your sickness His scars heal your doubt. His stripes bring healing. His scars bring hope.
4.  Call on Jesus in the midst of your doubt. Peter when drowning in his doubt at sea, called on Jesus. John the Baptist when doubting asked Jesus for help. Father of the demon-possessed boy asked Jesus to help him with his unbelief. God does not mind if we doubt, as long as we look for answers from Him.
This blog was written by Vladimir Savchuk.
Pastor Vlad is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church, an author of “Break Free” and “Single, Ready to Mingle” and a founder of online school “Vlad’s School.” Read more at
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