Usually, a person who loves the Lord does not start out the day saying, ”Well, today I will go and do what I like. I will not regard to what is pleasing to God”, yet often we find ourselves doing something that we desire over what lines up with God’s will.
To stay on the path that aligns with God’s will, we need to maintain a posture that is pleasing to the Lord.
Like the simple act of driving causes the car to get out of alignment over time, we also seem to get out of alignment with God’s will. To constantly try to pull the car back on the road, becomes weary. To stay on the straight and narrow, we don’t need to put in more effort, or pay more attention, but we need to get a proper alignment.
The following postures are of the heart will keep us in alignment to what is pleasing to God.
To stay on the path that aligns with God’s will, we need to maintain a posture that is pleasing to the Lord. Share on X1st Posture: Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The posture of trust, replaces the posture of unbelief. At the root of the lack of trust, we might think in our heart that God is not trustworthy. It manifest through fear, anxiety, doubt and trying to control outcomes. This is how the enemy tries to derail us from our path. It causes us to doubt Gods Goodness, Gods Call, Gods wisdom or Gods Ability.
Trusting in the Lord conquers unbelief and leads to understanding.
A GPS only works when you follow it; if we constantly override it, we get lost. Trusting God means sticking to His guidance even when it doesn’t make sense. If we feel lost, we might need a realignment.
Trusting in the Lord conquers unbelief and leads to understanding. Share on X2nd Posture: Fear the Lord (Proverbs 3:7-8)
The fear of the Lord defeats the posture of pride. Pride believes: ”I am enough on my own” or “I’ve got it figured out.” That is when we are more focused on the acts of God than the ways of God, on what God has done, than the relationship with Him.
Pride is being in self-sufficiency. It’s when we think that we know best or we believe that we deserve more recognition than we’ve got. Pride is when we ask why does another person get more blessings when we’ve done everything right? When we shift our focus on what we have done, what we have achieved, we find ourselves out of alignment and worn out. Same as the tires on a car wear out faster if it is out of alignment.
When our soul is out of alignment with a posture that is pleasing to God, the posture of humility, we experience spiritual and emotional exhaustion.
3rd Posture: Honor the Lord (Proverbs 3:9-10)
The posture of honor breaks the posture of selfishness. To honor means to hold in highest esteem. The posture of selfishness can be summarized in “I come first.” It doesn’t mean we don’t think that God is important, but selfishness prioritizes self over God. God will not tolerate that. In order to align with the posture of honor, we need to make God first in everything! But what about balance? When God comes first in our life, we will have more balance in our life than anything we could try to balance on our own. When we put God first in our life, there is a blessing attached to it. “Our barns will be filled and we will have new wine!” We will never lack and we will have fresh revelation!
4th Posture: Submit to the Lord’s discipline (Proverbs 3:11-12)
The posture of submission to God overcomes the posture of rebellion. The core belief of rebellion is:” I don’t have to listen.” For example: “If God loves me, He will tolerate my wrong doing.” God’s love equates to Gods discipline, not His tolerance. Rebellion is resisting God’s correction. God, like a good father will not let us get away with anything. He will put brakes on us so we would not drive ourselves into a ditch.
When our soul is out of alignment with a posture that is pleasing to God, the posture of humility, we experience spiritual and emotional exhaustion. Share on XBecoming pleasing to the Lord is not about our own effort or just knowing the path, its about aligning our heart to a posture that is pleasing to Him. And that posture looks like trust, reverence, honor and submission to the Lord. And when we do that, God is able to release His promises and favor over our lives!
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
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