Prayer Makes All the Difference

The Importance Of Coming Back To Prayer

  • Jesus prayed on Earth.
  • He prayed to choose His disciples.
  • He prayed before His betrayal.
  • He prayed on the cross.
  • Jesus prayed in Heaven.
  • Jesus continues to pray.

What Is Prayer?

Prayer is a cry, a conversation, and a confrontation. Share on X

A cry means when you are hurting. A conversation means that you have a relationship with God. Confrontation means that in prayer, you take authority.

There are three types of prayers:

  • Asking (a petition for God’s help or blessing).
  • Seeking (an act of devotion to God).
  • Knocking (intercession for people to come to salvation).

We need all three types of prayer in our lives as strong Christians.

1. Prayer Brings A Reward

Prayer is as much about results as it is about rewards. 

God’s presence is the reward of prayer (Genesis 15:1).

If the request is wrong – God says NO.

If the timing is wrong – God says SLOW.

If you are wrong – God says GROW.

If everything is right – God says GO.

2. Prayer Brings Revival

Look at what happened when Jesus prayed:

  • Heaven was opened. 
  • The Holy Spirit descended like a dove.
  • A voice came from heaven.
  • Jesus’ face was changed. (Luke 9:29)
  • His robe became white.
  • Moses and Elijah showed up.

However, if prayer brings revival, prayerlessness brings you into a rut. 

3. Prayer Brings Release

When prayer doesn’t remove the struggle, it renews your strength (Luke 22:40-42). 

When the answer to prayer is delayed, God clothes you with the robe of His comfort (Revelation 6:10-11). 

4. Prayer Brings Results

The Bible records 650 prayers and 450 answers to prayers.

Prayer doesn’t change God but it can change everything else. 

God will fulfill His promise but He delights to answer your prayer. 
