Angelic Encounters
Our culture has an obsession with angelic beings. While many Christians are dismissive about the subject of angels, it is pertinent to note that the Bible has more to say about angels than demons. Angels are real today. They are used by God to accomplish His mission. You have probably had an encounter with an angel without realising it.
Consider have you ever:
- Had a stranger who prevented a serious injury and mysteriously disappeared.
- Saw a white clothed being who similarly was there and then was gone.
- Felt a feeling of peace and assurance of God’s presence.
- Experiences supernatural protection confirmed by others.
- Heard angels sing in a place of worship.
- Felt arms and or wings wrap you in a time of loneliness.
If you experienced any of these things, it is most likely that you have had an angelic encounter.
We will address common myths and misconceptions and I hope as your mind gets exposed to the reality of angels, that you would not get an obsession with angels but with the Lord, because our obsession is with God’s presence.
Moses did not settle for an angelic encounter; He wanted a presence encounter. Share on XAngels Mainly Work Behind The Scenes In Secret
They are spiritual beings who assist God, especially in the work of salvation, conveying His Word to human beings and attending to the need of God’s people.
Angels are mentioned 273 times in 34 books of the Bible.
Angels are on an assignment, (Matthew 12:43-45). They don’t roam around like demons. When they fulfil their mission, they go back to God. Angels are not stationed permanently on earth looking for who they can help.

Angels Have Four Main Assignments, Which Are Also Given To Christians:
Every angel is a worshipper, (Deuteronomy 32:43).
At the birth of Jesus Christ, the shepherds heard the worship of the angels. We don’t worship angels because worship belongs to God. Like angels, we worship God, (1 Timothy 2:8).
The second assignment is that angels are warriors. We are called to be fighters and warriors in Jesus’ spiritual army. We don’t fight with tanks, bazookas or knives, we fight with the Word of God and our warfare is spiritual. Being a warrior is not connected to your gender, it is connected to your identity in Christ.
The third angelic assignment is to be messengers. The Bible says they gave the law to Moses, they announced the birth of Samson, John the Baptist and Jesus. Angels gave directions to Cornelius, Daniel, Apostle Peter and a host of others. Angels provide messages from God. They are witnesses and we are called to witness of Christ to the world.
The fourth angelic task is ministry. Angels are ministers of deliverance and rescue. They rescued Lot from the destruction of Sodom. Angles protected the three Hebrew men and Prophet Daniel. Apostle Peter was broken out of jail twice by angels. Angels also minister provision. They ministered to Jesus after His fast. Angels helped Hagar find water. They provided food for Elijah. Angels even helped find a wife for Abraham’s son. You can experience the ministry of angels, (Hebrews 1:14). God wants you to be a minister as well.
Angels Work On Our Behalf But Not At Our Command
Instead of commanding angels, Lot was seized by them. Israel cried out to God and God sent an angel. The Church prayed, and God sent an angel to break Peter out of prison. Psalm 91:11, Matthew 26:53 and Psalm 103:20 show that angels obey the voice of God. The Bible gives us authority over demons, not angels.
We can be assisted by God’s angels and may ask the Lord to dispatch His angels but they are not subject to our commands. Share on XSome Angels Are Assigned To A Place, Not To A Person
The Bible does not seem to confirm that when you get saved, you automatically get a guardian angel assigned to you, (Matthew 18:10). If an angel is instructed to assist you, it comes, helps you and returns to the Father. The angel doesn’t need to stay with you because the Holy Spirit stays with you. Jesus did not say My angels will be with you always, He said I will be with you till the end of the age. Jesus is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and lives inside you by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The Church Is The University Of Angels Where Every Believer Is A Professor
1 Peter 1:12, “To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the holy Spirit sent from Heaven – things which angels desire to look into”.
There is one thing that angel cannot fully experience or figure out which is redemption. How could God become a man to take the place of human beings on the cross and redeem them? That is why when a person gets saved, the angels rejoice in Heaven! (Luke 15:7).
If you were ever to meet an angelic being, they would tell you one thing: you are so blessed that you have the offer of forgiveness. Why would you say no to God when He does give you a second chance? God loves you the way you are but He sent His Son to die on the cross for you so that you can be restored and recommitted to God. Do you know Jesus? Have your sins been washed by the blood of Jesus? Have you received the gift of eternal life? The sobering truth is that if you reject Jesus as your Savior, you will encounter God as your judge.
If you want to give your life to the Lord, say this prayer out loud:
Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of Your salvation. I believe You died on the cross for all my sins and I repent of them. Today, I place my trust in You alone. From this day forward, I promise to follow You. Fill me with Your Spirit and save me right now, in Jesus Christ’s name.
Sermon By Vladimir Savchuk; Blog By Edward Gardiner
Watch The Full Video Here:
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