Returning To The Father

The Love of God Is A Pillar

It is always the right time to talk about the love of God. It is very easy that by a season’s change, we can lose sight of the foundational things that are the core of who we are as believers in Christ. The core of who we are as believers is children of God. The love of God is meant to be a pillar of our lives. The beauty of God is that though seasons and times may change, His love and His Word remains (1 Peter 1:24-25). I pray as you read this blog, your heart would be drawn closer to Jesus Christ.

God Love You and He Is Pleased With You

“And behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” – Matthew 3:17

I want to point out that this moment took place before Jesus had done any miracles, cast out any demons, or healed anyone. This happened before He overcame the temptation in the wilderness, and before He went on to do anything else in becoming our Savior. This is how God loves us and how God loves you personally. How God loves us is not based on what we have done because there is nothing anyone could do to earn the love of God. Our circumstances and titles in life may change but one thing that will never change is the position that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. Whatever you have done or are going through, God still loves you and He is still pleased with you.

Thoughts Are Not Truths

When it comes to thoughts of uncertainty about the love of God, things like “I don’t know if God is really pleased with me, I didn’t do this or that so how can He be?” When we are wrestling with doubtful thoughts, it can be easy to lose sight of who God really is. My question to you is who is God to you? What do you know about God?

How God loves us is not based on what we have done because there is nothing anyone could do to earn the love of God. Share on X

Knowing God’s Love

To know the love of God, you must know God. How can we get to know God? There are two ways that I am going to touch on and they are prayer and the Word. It is in the secret place that we come to know God (Matthew 6:6). Christianity isn’t a religious way of life, it is a living, breathing relationship with God that we get to have. This is a joy and honor. God is looking for co-laborers. God is looking for relationship.

The first thing the devil came to tempt Jesus with was a lie questioning His sonship and His Father. The biggest lie people seem to struggle with about Christianity is that when you become a Christian, all the battles go away. The Bible does not say that when salvation comes, temptation goes away. When we get saved, we just stepped into battle, and set our feet on the path of following the Holy Spirit.

Our Conception Of God

When it comes to the Heavenly Father and dealing with lies against God, our time with our earthly fathers is often the canvas on which we paint the picture of our Heavenly Father. I learned that the definition of success from my earthly father was what I did rather than who I am in Christ. No matter how well I felt I did, the definition of success, I never felt like I was doing enough. I needed to know what God thought about me and how much He loved me. I found the answer here:

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” – Ephesians 2:4-5

This combined with one of the most popularly quoted scriptures of John 3:16, tells us that God so loves everyone in the world, not because of what they did for Him but because of who He is. He simply loves everyone. God’s love and His gift of salvation are free. He wants you to receive His love today. God showed me that I didn’t hate Him but I hated who I thought He was. I was dealing with condemnation and deeming myself uninhabitable of God’s truth and presence. I didn’t know who God really was until I truly went into His Word and prayer to discover who God is. We need to know the love of God and what He is actually saying about His children today.

Rest In God’s Love

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” – Galatians 2:20

Instead of striving to earn God’s love and presence, allow Christ to live through you. We know in the scriptures what God has said about His Son, Jesus, and as children of God, He says the same thing about us today. Resting in God’s presence isn’t always about feeling His presence; it is about knowing He is present.

God gave us feelings and emotions to experience Him. However, feelings are not the anchor on which the Word of God dwells. Resting in God’s presence isn’t always about feeling His presence; it is about knowing He is present.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know I am God.” When we base God’s activity on our feelings, we are placing God on a throne of instability in our lives. You feel great one day, another day you don’t. That is feelings for you. But you cannot allow your feelings to influence what you believe about God’s presence. God’s presence is connected to His Word and He is true to His Word. The more time you spend with the Lord, the more you discipline your flesh, steady your soul and cast out the lies of the enemy. This is why we need to spend time in the Word.

Resting in God's presence isn't always about feeling His presence; it is about knowing He is present. Share on X

Come Home

This is not just for those who have left their Father’s house and gone into prodigal living; this is for all of us. Just like in the parable of the prodigal son, God the Father wants to restore your relationship with Him. However, the prodigal son who came home wasn’t the only one with a problem. The other son who had served faithfully also needed his relationship with his father restored because he felt rejected, overlooked and hurt. You might feel like others always seem to feel the presence of God, or others have their prayers answered but why don’t you? I see God doing amazing things in other people’s lives but what about mine? All you have to do is ask the same God will restore your sonship in Him.

Watch The Full Sermon Here:
