Revival Is A River
When people picture a revival, the image that comes into their minds is something like a tsunami. A colossal wave that wipes out everything in its path. However, this is not the kind of revival that is sustainable and promotes growth and life after its passing. The revival the Bible describes is like a river that brings life. It has banks or boundaries and it brings life. Trees, plants, birds, fish, and animals are all sustained by a river. This is how revival should affect our cities and our nations.
Similarly, a river needs to flow. It is not enough that water flows into a river, like a reservoir; it has to flow out. There must be a revival on the inside but also that revival has to have a steady flow or rhythm to the outside. I want to share three points that will help you sync up with the rhythm of revival.
Revival Is When God’s Heart Invades Your Plans
“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”
Acts 3:1-10
1. Stop By The People Others Pass By.
- Peter and John were not going purposely to pray for the lame man; they were going to the temple to pray to God.
- The lame man wasn’t in their plan but he was on God’s heart.
- When you allow God’s heart to interrupt your plans, God will use your hands.
- Your greatest ability is your availability.
There was 3 different people that came in contact with the lame man:
1. The people that offered to move him to the gate.
2. The people that offered him money at the gate.
3. The people (Peter and John) that offered him a miracle to get him inside the gate.
Some good people will offer help, and others will offer money but only believers in Christ can offer a miracle that takes people past the gate. Only a miracle of Jesus Christ can take people out of where they are and redirect the trajectory of their future to Heaven. We need to see ourselves as people who have that miracle in the name of Jesus Christ to get people into the Beautiful Gate of the Kingdom as Peter and John did.
Don’t say you don’t have an opportunity to evangelize. The people in the temple saw the man who was healed and marveled. That means they had seen and been seeing him but passed him by. Who is the person you are passing by and not talking to?
Faith is stepping out so that God can step in.
Sometimes the greatest miracles will come from the greatest inconvenience. It is so easy to talk about it but it is a different thing to live it.
A pastor who wins 10,000 people monthly will win the world in 60,000 years. A person who wins two people every month and teaches them to do the same will win the world in 30 months.
How You Can Follow The Rhythm Of Revival
Whatever area you find yourself in life and whatever else you might be doing, you are called to minister even if you are not called to be in ministry. That is revival.
You don’t have to be in full-time ministry to minister full-time.”
Craig Groeshel
You can be part of God’s revival by:
- “Being a light to those in your office.”
- ”Choosing to do the right thing, even when it’s hard”
- “Getting lunch with a hurting co-worker.”
- “Praying with a friend who needs the hope of Jesus.”
- “Leading a lifegroup with your friends.”
- “Whether you’re a doctor, a teacher, a student, a receptionist, a lawyer, a stay-at-home parent, working three jobs or working one job, you are called to ministry!”
Revival is not just a season of your life but an everyday surrender to serve Jesus and be on fire for God. You were not just saved from something but you were saved for something and that is the purpose of Christ to be a full-time minister in your home, family, workplace, school and daily life. Don’t be the person who passes by the one Jesus died for.
Following Jesus Must Lead To Fishing
We have to go where the fish are to be fishers of men. Just as you wouldn’t expect a criminal to hand themselves in at a police station, you don’t expect the lost to make their way to church all the time. We have to pray and believe for a miracle catch in our church this year.
Revival requires consistency. The river has to flow all the time. In the same way, revival has to be inside you and go with you wherever you go. It must be integrated into our daily routine. Otherwise, we may burn bright but we will burn out.
Revival will not happen when everyone goes to church but when the church goes to everyone. Share on X2. Hear The Cry Behind Their Ask.
- What they want or say they want is not what they really need.
- When you are lame, you need a miracle, not money.
- When you are lost, you need salvation.
The lame man in Acts 3 wasn’t asking for a miracle; he didn’t even expect that he could receive one. All he asked for was money but his need was far beyond money. This is where we have to step in as the church. They may have been passed by so many times – it is time for their miracle. Don’t listen to the lie of what if they don’t want it – what if they do? What if your introduction to Jesus is exactly what they have been looking for?
We must align ourselves as vessels with the direction of the outpouring of God.
The regret of stopping short is worse than the pain of falling short. If you fell short, at least you tried but if you stopped before trying, you will never know what could have happened. You rob yourself of your full reward.
God wants to use the nobodies that will tell everybody about Somebody who can save anybody. His name is Jesus Christ!
God’s heart is people and God’s method is your life.
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Vasiliy Parkhotyuk
- Ilya Parkhotyuk
- Liliya Savchuk
- Martin Parkhotyuk
- Glenn Fink
- Mariana Parkhotyuk
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- Rikhard Hartikainen
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Bryson Still
- Zack Parkhotyuk
- Ivan Semenyuk
- Everett Roeth
- Liliya Savchuk
- Hungry Gen
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- George Davidiuk
- HowToDoStuff
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- Solomiya Parkhotyuk
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