Today’s day and time has opened my eyes to a new level if appreciation. An appreciation of the small things that we overlook on a daily basis. Routine creates a lifestyle of repetition and ignorance to the little details. I noticed in myself, things that once I was infatuated with, I began to view as a norm.
“We don’t appreciate what we have until we no longer have it.”

Since the passing of my dad, this quote rings ever so loud in my life. It’s like that kid in the store that see’s a toy and “has to have it.” We all know someone like that or may have been that kid at one point. I remember begging my parents promising I will play with “that doll.” Meanwhile I have a hundred other dolls laying around at home. I get “that doll” but a few days later that doll lays around untouched but it cost a fortune. We are eager for better and greater, yet we forget to appreciate what is ours now. We are willing to spend a fortune on the newest phone, electronic, or pair of shoes. After some time of use, that valuable thing no longer holds the same value and we begin to treat it as our norm.
We are eager for better and greater, yet we forget to appreciate what is ours now. Share on XI’ve heard this phrase and have pondered on this myself, “singleness can be so lonely.” But is it really? Or is it the perspective of singleness that is making us lonely?
As a single you can either be lonely or alone. Both are adjectives but have two different meanings. Lonely is when you feel abandoned or isolated. Being alone is when you are by yourself and with yourself. Alone is a state of solitude, lonely is a state of emotion.
The season you are in right now can be misery and depression. Or, it can be a season of trusting and obedience. Your perspective is key in the way you view your season changing. You can choose to rush through it or you can seize your season!

Soak in every lesson, resistance, and pressure that comes your way. I have a friend that always says this, “Pressure does two things, bursts pipes or makes diamonds. Pipes feel pressure and burst, yet diamonds feel pressure and shine.” Don’t overlook your season of welding and molding. Instead maximize it because it’s preparation for the upcoming season.

I pray this blog opens up your eyes to a new insight on your season. Rushing into your next season is like driving without passing a driver’s test. You’re not aware of the signs and signals or what they mean. Be aware of the seasonal signals; they will be your guide for what’s coming up next.
Be aware of the seasonal signals; they will be your guide for what’s coming up next. Share on XEager for that relationship, marriage, or to have kids? It can hinder your time alone, which is the time to work on your self. Appreciate the season you are because you won’t be in it forever. Time flies and seasons do change. Submerge into your season and wait patiently for the next.

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7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
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