Spiritual Growth Plan for 2025

There are things in your life that will break as you grow.

“At that time the Lord will remove their burden from your shoulders, and their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be taken off because your neck will be too large.” – Isaiah 10:27

This verse might seem obscure at first, but it is symbolic of the way God will deliver His people from their oppressors; the neck of the oxen will get so big the yoke around the neck will snap. In this case, the oxen are the captive people of God and the yoke is every demonic affliction and difficulty.

There are things in your life that will break as you grow. Share on X

There are things in your life that will break as you get bigger, as you get stronger, as you increase in your spiritual life, (1 Corinthians 13:11).

Unlike other trees, palm trees break chains or bands wrapped around them as they grow and get bigger; they don’t get restricted by the chains but break them. In the beginning stages of my walk with God, the enemy might be successful in placing bands around my life, but as I get closer to God, as I get deeper in God and stronger in God, bands will break. I declare this will be the year of things breaking over your life!

Growth Brings New Opportunities

As you grow, you give up things you had from your earlier years. If you know the truth, it will set you free. The presence of soap does not make you clean, but the application of soap does. Just as having a Bible will not change your life, it’s the words from the pages of the Bible going into your heart that brings about change in your life. Jesus is the truth.

There are places you will gain access to only when you grow.

God Works Little By Little

“Little by little I will drive them out from before you until you have increased and you inherit the land.” Exodus 23:30

There are things God has promised you will get if you grow. The key is for you to increase, then you inherit the land. We want our finances to increase but God wants us to increase. We want our health to get better but sometimes, God wants us to get better.

What things have we missed due to the lack of our growth? Remember when we increase, then we inherit the land.

There are things you will receive from God only when you grow. (Matthew 11:28-29) Your personal growth is not just for your happiness but it is an access key into the things God has promised you.

There are things you will receive from God only when you grow. Share on X

God has so much more for you, that you have not received yet.  As you grow in Jesus and break the yoke, you will receive things that are available to you in Him. There is healing, freedom, and victory as you not only come to Jesus but learn to walk in Jesus. I challenge you to grow in Jesus today!

*It’s not just about coming to Jesus; it’s also about coming after Jesus that releases a breakthrough in your walk with Him.  

Growth Produces Change

Growing requires three things: 

Environment + Investment + Time = Growth

  • Environment – The first need is to find the right environment or church or small group that wants growth.  If your environment is bad, you will not grow. A righteous man chooses his environment and his environment chooses his growth.
  • Investment – Without an investment, you will not grow. Judas Iscariot was in the right environment, but because he refused to invest, he did not grow.
  • Time – With these conditions, it just takes some time, and you will grow.

Growing people change. This year, take the pressure off changing and put all the pressure on growing. Many have tried changing and failed, but if you grow as a Christian, change will be inevitable. If you want this year to be a year of change, make it a year of growth.

Growing people change. Share on X

Spiritual Growth Plan

  1. Read the Bible daily.
  2. Keep your heart from offense.
  3. Pray in tongues.
  4. Memorize Bible verses, put Gods word in your heart.
  5. Practice fasting.
  6. Start tithing.
  7. Join a small group.
  8. Take the next step in the discipleship track.
  9. Share your faith.
  10. Serve in a local church.

Give God time in the right environment with the right investment. This equals transformation. This is how growing people change.

Growth is the best catalyst for change because growing people naturally change. Share on X

Watch The Full Sermon Here:
