Overcoming the Grip of Pornography (Part 2) Jesus is the greatest authority in deliverance. In his admonition for freedom from lust and immorality, he said to “cutRead More
Remove The Mask Pastor Vlad continued his #BreakFree series with powerful message about confession. When we confess our sins, God removes the conscienceRead More
3 Stages of Freedom Pastor Ilya continued on the series of Break Free. He took a place from Revelation which talked about that weRead More
By the Spirit Pastor Vlad continued his sermon series “Break Free”. He continued to explain how spiritual world is real and its presenceRead More
Struggle is Real Pastor Vlad continued #BreakFree series with life changing message on STRUGGLING IS REAL. This message will help you to overcomeRead More
Renewing of the Mind Pastor Vlad continued #BreakFree series with powerful follow up message on Renewing of the Mind. Where your mind goes, yourRead More
Access Denied Pastor Vlad started his new series called “Break Free”. He started with the segment about Access Denied. How satan manyRead More
Break Free Pastor Vlad shared a powerful message that is based on the book which he is releasing this summer called BREAKRead More