Salvation from DeathThis weeks Easter Sunday, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message of Jesus’ death which leads to salvation. Cherish the goodRead More
The Scarlet CordThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk reveals when you feel burnt out, you need to cling to the cross.Read More
Contrast of GivingThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about our Father is a good giver.Read More
Are You StuckThis week, Konstantin Tochinskiy shares a message how the Lord desires to hear us.Read More
I Am ResurrectionThis week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus has given to all believersRead More
Delivering KnowledgeThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on knowing the knowledge of God.Read More
Knowing SonshipThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message about walking in spiritual sonship, and knowing your identity in Christ.Read More
Riches of the CrossThis week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on the riches of the cross.Read More
Cross Changes EverythingThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about the cross changing everything. The cross is the be carried in ourRead More
The Tale of Two SoulsThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about repentance and salvation. The direction of our lives must change.Read More
Change Through CounselThis week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about a process of change How to walk in your freedom. Keep followingRead More