Carrying the Ark of God George Davidiuk highlights the Ark of God and the significance of the story. He ties in the themes to ourRead More
Living in Someone’s Shadow Being in the shadow is being in the shade. Dwelling in God’s presence is living under God’s shadow. His presenceRead More
What Should I Do? Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series “Towels & Titles” where he speaks a practical message on how to begin toRead More
Potential > Position Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series “Towels & Titles” where He speaks about how our value is not determined byRead More
What it Means to be a Servant BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your alarm goes off, it’s Sunday morning. You get ready for church and put on your SundayRead More
When Ministry Becomes a Distraction When we think of distractions, social media or phones come to mind. Distractions divide our focus. I remember when IRead More
The Ceiling for Your Healing Health is a basic value in life. “At least you have your health,” you may hear people say. If you’veRead More
First Time Guest Anticipation? Expectation? A little bit of nausea? A combination of the three? Someone visiting your church for the first timeRead More
Home Group on Fire As we are approaching and entering a new season of Home Groups, I pray that these steps would benefit, inspire,Read More
Guatemala Mission Trip 2018 A mission trip is full of contrasts. You think you are going there to change people’s lives, but the changeRead More
10 Reasons to Join HungryGen Internship 1. Exponential Growth During your time here at Hungry Generation, you will experience exponential growth in both your spiritual andRead More
10 Tips to Be Effective on Social Media for Ministries As of April 2018, the total worldwide population is 7.6 billion. The internet has 4.2 billion users and there areRead More