Joshua Generation Pastor Vlad closes out the sermon series ‘Seasons’ with an encouraging message about the Joshua Generation, listen in and findRead More
Shift of Seasons Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series, “Seasons”. In this message he unpacks the reality that no matter the changes ofRead More
Four Seasons This week Pastor Vlad teaches us on the importance of perspective in every season. Just like Joseph, there are fourRead More
It’s Just a Shadow This Christmas Pastor Vlad speaks on the true reason for the season. How Jesus is the true Emmanuel, God withRead More
Seeds and Seasons Brittany shared a powerful messages of living life to sow seeds and to know God is faithful in every season.Read More
The Shift of Seasons This week, Pastor Vlad shares a message about a seasonal shift. We shouldn’t linger in our season as if itRead More
Change of Seasons (Spanish) This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about seasons changing. He reveals the difference between a wound and aRead More