Victory Before the Battle // Raised to Deliver 2020 GOOD NEWS: The battle has ALREADY been won! Zack brings a dynamic message that is sure to encourage you inRead More
At War with the Wind Pastor Vlad brings a word that is sure to encourage you, no matter the season that you are in. InRead More
Digging for Dominion Pastor Vlad continues the series “Digging Wells” and today he ventures into the decisions we must make as christians toRead More
A Risk for the Better This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk speaks on the importance to take risks for the sake of better. We turn ourselvesRead More
Three Legged Chair This week, Ilya Parkhotyuk shares a message on three components which to becoming victorious.Read More
Anoint my Head with Oil This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about standing on the promises of God, never giving up, keep fightingRead More
Goliath’s Challenge This week, Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about pressing into God. The enemy will be defeated when we fight andRead More
Good to Great This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about Do not stay in your mistakes, keep moving forward from yourRead More
Victory in the Valley This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares a message about evangelism. When you are in a valley never stop helping peopleRead More
Death at the Wrong Address This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message on God marking your house for success and victory.Read More
Trojan Horse Strategy This week, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk reveals strategies about living in victory.Read More
Are You Stuck This week, Konstantin Tochinskiy shares a message how the Lord desires to hear us.Read More