Limitation is an Invitation This message is a reminder of what looks like a limitation is actually an invitation by God. Compassion will takeRead More
Come Out of The Tent This message is a reminder when you are down, see the sand; when it’s dark, see the stars. When God removesRead More
Building A Godly Home God is all about family. His whole purpose in creating man was to have family. So, it is important thatRead More
The Ladder of Success It’s important to have vision and steps laid out for you to take. What does that look like for aRead More
Pay With Attention Pastor Vlad brings truth about how valuable our attention is and shares practical steps on redirecting our focus to GodRead More
At War with the Wind Pastor Vlad brings a word that is sure to encourage you, no matter the season that you are in. InRead More
Vision Collision What is vision? How do you hear God’s voice? What is God’s vision for YOUR life?Read More
Master Key Vision Pastor Ilya brought an encouraging word about the importance of having vision in your life through faith.Read More
The Power of Vision Awhile back, I went horseback riding and the instructor told me that the horse will eventually go the direction theRead More
What is Faith This weekend, Pastor Vlad continues the FOURTH DIMENSION series with a message titled “Faith is Substance,” where he shares thatRead More
Unlikely Heroes This week, Vlad Savchuk shares a message on having a vision. Let go and let God. Give God wants usRead More
Church Vision This week, Vlad Savchuk shares a message which explains our life with a vision creates a purpose. A church isRead More