Nehemiah 2:10, 19, when Nehemiah went to Jerusalem, he met Tobiah, a governor placed by the King of Persia, who was frustrated that Nehemiah wanted to do good for the nation of Israel. I believe that the attitude and spirit of Tobiah still exists today. He is a perfect comparison to the activity of a demon today. Tobiah spent most of his time discouraging, intimidating, mocking and even threatening Nehemiah. When that didn’t work, Tobiah allied himself with priest in Jerusalem enabling him to occupy the treasury room of the Temple of God and restricted the work of God there.
Attacks from the outside:
- Nehemiah 2:19 – laughed and at Nehemiah.
- Nehemiah 4:3 – despised their work.
- Nehemiah 4:7-8 – conspired to create confusion.
- Nehemiah 6:2 – tried to harm Nehemiah.
- Nehemiah 6:13 – tried to cause fear.
Every Christian has a call from God. God can call you to rebuild your family, mindset, raise children, start a small group or ministry. The moment you begin, Tobiah will start bothering you.
Stay in your position when you face opposition. Cling to your assignment in the face of your attack. If you are going through a tough time, know that the enemy wants to stop your assignment.
Use the words of Nehemiah, “I am doing a great work for the Lord and I cannot come down to you”. Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation. He did not say, so stop serving but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world, (John 16:33).
Tobiah was strengthened through his connections when his outward attack on Nehemiah did not succeed. Tobiah made an alliance with the priest.
Psalm 7:2 – shows one of the ways the enemy likes to establish a foothold in a person’s life is through inner vows and soul ties. This opens the door for the enemy to go from attacking on the outside, to having a foothold on the inside. Be careful what you pronounce.
Don’t allow the season of discouragement to make you a discouraged person. God’s Word is so powerful, it can change you, it can change your life, if you stop changing it.
Nehemiah 13:6-7, as long as Nehemiah was there, Tobiah couldn’t do anything. But when Nehemiah left, Tobiah took the opportunity to get a room in the temple. Nehemiah speaks of commitment to prayer, Bible reading, consistent discipline.
When Tobiah came into the temple, he didn’t kill but he stopped the Levites from getting their pay. Your life may not be demonized but you’ll notice something is not right with your health or finances or family. Dedicate your life to holiness, to walk in the fear of God, praying and fasting because only then will the enemy be unable to succeed.
[The blog is written by Edward Gardiner; Sermon by Vladimir Savchuk]Search
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