Everyone knows about the battles fought in the valley but not everyone is aware of the battle on the rooftops. It doesn’t matter what your past was, once you have an encounter with Jesus, He washes us clean from our past and restores us back to our original position in Christ Jesus.
War On Identity
I believe the war on identity is the real pandemic of our time and generation. Our identity is constantly being influenced and intruded upon from every angle. They want to tell you who you are and what you should think, feel, and believe in. People today say they identify as this, that, and the other. I identify with Jesus. That’s why they call me a Christian. My values are the values of Jesus Christ and the Word of God is my standard.
The Battle Of The Rooftop
” It happened in the Spring of the year, at the time when the kings go out to do battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel. And they destroyed the people of Ammon, and beseiged Rabah but David remained at Jerusalem.” – 2 Samuel 11:1
David won the battle of the valley, against Goliath. But He lost the battle of the rooftop with Bathsheba.
Discerning the battle is half of the victory. Share on XI believe God’s heart is bleeding for His bride. There is a revival that is going on in the body of Christ to purity the Bride of Christ. The reason deliverance is taking prominence in mainstream media isn’t because pastors are preaching about it more; it is because Christ is coming back soon for a pure and holy bride. We need to get out of our chains and today, I want to address a specific chain of demonic bondage: the battle of Bathsheba.
- 70% Christian youth pastors report that at least one team member come to them for help dealing with pornography in the last 12 months.
- 68% of church-going men and 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis.
- 76% of young Christian adults actively search for porn.
- 59% of pastors report married men seek their help regarding porn.
- 33% of women under age 25 search for porn at least once a month.
- 87% of Christian women have watched porn.
- 55% of married men and 25% married women say they watch porn at least once a month.
- 57% pastors in America declare that porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregations.
- Mission Frontiers.org
I want to talk to you about the battle that David lost because he never identified it to be a battle in the first place. It is very easy to identify the giant because everyone can see it. They advise him to take up armor and prepare for the battle. David saw the giant and faced it head on, and overcame by faith and trust in Jesus. The giant was easy to discern as an enemy. The situation on the rooftop was more difficult to discern because David’s guard was down. Discerning the battle is half of the victory.
We do not only need to put on the armor of God and be ready when we are in public but also at home, in the shower, in a private place. Small temptation can come from here and there that can lead to a great downfall.
David’s Error
David had a duty, somewhere he needed to be. At the time when kings go to war, he stayed home. You may not be a king going to war but maybe you are a husband going to work or a wife going to work. The moment that our duties become lower on our ranking of things we need to do, that should bring up a red flag in your mind. Something is shifting. You know where that will end but the key is to distinguish it before it gets there. That is the first sign you are getting close to your rooftop.
” It happend one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. From the roof, he saw a woman bathing and the woman was beautiful to behold.” – 2 Samuel 11:2
I know that when I don’t discipline my flesh, the flesh gets more space in my life. Why does it say David got out of his bedroom in the evening? David allowed himself to live in too much comfort. If you are struggling with rooftops in your life, stop being a ‘night person’. No good things happen at night. Establish your mornings for the Lord.
If it is in the Bible, that means I am able to do it. If it is in the Bible, that means you are able to do it. We can choose. Share on XThere are several battlefronts – spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. When your mind is tired, your mind has a hard time to maintain good habits. Therefore, when you don’t sleep enough and eat good food, physically, you are more prone to go to the rooftop. Just going for deliverance is not enough. The emotional, physical, and mental battlefronts need to be addressed. David did not go on the rooftop to look at naked women bathing, it just happened when he was there. We need to make sure we limit our rooftop time as well. Maybe for King David, it was an actual physical rooftop but our smartphones are the rooftop for many of us.
Lustful thoughts will come and persist in staying but we refuse to listen to those thoughts and they die unborn. Evil thoughts are like birds. You can’t stop a bird from flying over your tree but you can stop them from building a nest in it. The first look is just a bird flying over your tree, the second look is letting the bird nest in your tree. Constantly limit your rooftop access and keep your guard up against these things.
I believe that lust is what is holding back this final revival. Once lust is flushed out of the church, there will be such a revival that each one of us will walk in power because we know Christ has purified us. God is waiting for us; we are never waiting for God.
This life is a race and nobody can ever win your race. But, if you allow the enemy to, he can ruin your race. Completing your race requires intentionality. God’s purpose and plan unfolding in your life depends on your willingness and submission. If you are not serious with God’s calling in your life, nobody else will fulfill it. You do not have time to stay on the rooftop; God has a purpose and a calling for you. I believe God’s plan for every person is a 110 year plan. The only way to fulfill His plan is to overcome obstacles. Don’t stay on the rooftops. It is time to have victory over that. There is no time to wait when it comes to your calling; we must all have a sense of urgency.
There are so many unreached, unsaved people who are bound, lost, and broken whom God has destined you to cross paths with. God wants you to be a channel of light; don’t stay stuck on your rooftop.
The Devil’s Tactics
The devil tries to destroy us first – John 10:10. If he cannot do that because you are under the blood of Jesus, He has two other ways he still tries to use. When he is unable to destroy you, he will try to distract you – John 10:40 and waste your time through the distractions of this world – 1 John 2:16-17. This world is designed to distract you until you die; if you let it, it will. God told you, “Follow Me.”
The Solution To Rooftop Battles
What is the solution to resisting rooftop moments? The solution to resisting those things is submission to God. Many are obedient to God but few are submitted. Obedience is doing something because you have to. Submission is doing something because you want to (Hebrews 13:177, Ephesians 5:21). There is a huge difference between being an obedient Christian and being a submitted one. The only solution to resisting those temptations is submission to God.
Many are obedient to God but few are submitted. There is a huge difference between being an obedient Christian and a submitted one. Share on XHow to Guard Against Sin
- Guard Your Eyes – Psalm 119:37 – “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things.”
- Guard Your Heart – Proverbs 4:23 – “Out of your heart flows the issues of life.”
- Guard Your Mind – Colossians 3:2 – “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”
- Guard Your Words – Matthew 15:17 – “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
I believe you cannot guard your heart if you do not first guard your eyes. That is why this world is after your eyes. I also believe that the words we speak can become an open door to both the Holy Spirit and the demonic.
“Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or to the left. Remove your foot from evil.” – Proverbs 4:26-27
If it is in the Bible, that means I am able to do it. If it is in the Bible, that means you are able to do it. We can choose. People want to put on their life vest when they are already in the water. That is not how it is supposed to work. You put on a life vest before you get into water. That means start today. Don’t wait until you are knee deep in the swamp before you start to guard yourself.
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
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