I caught myself starting to worry about the future & many of us do, we worry about what’s next or will I make it? Then the feelings start to kick in & you begin to feel fear. Will I make it or will I fail? Does God really have my whole life in his hands?
The scripture God reminds me of is
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way.”
Psalm 37:23
Maybe you’ve heard this story in the Bible, The story of Peter walking on water towards Jesus. In this story as Peter walks to Jesus, Peter starts to take his eyes off of him and starts to focus on the strong wind and the waves. It’s easy to take your eyes off Jesus and focus on the chaos all around you.
Take a second and ask yourself am I like Peter, focusing on the chaos and darkness? Am I focused on the storm?
Peter starts to lose faith because he allowed the darkness and chaos of the waves frighten him.
Make sure you cultivate your faith, feed it and remove things that damage it. It can be friends or even social media that can dim the light within you. Be aware of that! Share on XBecause of his lack of faith Peter begins to sink. He starts to panic because of his fear and lack of trust in Jesus. He calls out to Jesus, and the good thing about Jesus is even in our lack of faith/trust he “immediately” reaches out and grabs Peter:

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:26-31)
We fear because we don’t have faith:
Ask yourself why am I afraid? Where do I doubt God: my finances? Health? Relationships?
The emotion Peter was feeling is fear, fear that he won’t make it. He doesn’t trust that God holds his future, afraid he will fail him.
Sometimes we forget how close Jesus is to us that he can immediately catch us from falling like he did with Peter, He reached out to him “immediately” before he could fall through the water.
Jesus is close to you, he won’t let you fall.
In Isaiah 41:13 it says “I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.”
Where we don’t trust him, that’s where we will struggle with fear and stress.
I remember on my 20th birthday I was starting to feel anxious and I got revelation; if I just say “I trust you” to Jesus I will be free from stress and anxiety. So I did, I tested it out, I spoke it aloud and it went away… I was shocked.
Isaiah 23:6 says, “you will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trust in you.”
When you trust Jesus there begins to be peace because you aren’t focused on the wild waves of life, you are focused on Jesus and when you focus on him you are reminded that he has power to calm the storm.
“Be still!” He tells the chaos of the waves.
“Be still!” he tells the waves of your anxious heart.
Let’s look at Psalm 93:3-4:
“The seas have lifted up, Lord,
the seas have lifted up their voice;
the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.
The Lord on high is mightier
Than the noise of many waters,
Than the mighty waves of the sea.“
Notice how in verse 3 the emotions start to raise up, a sense of panic. You can hear that cry and fear rising up.
I know the waves are sometimes so big and we become fearful that the waves will pull us in and destroy us, that we might collapse underneath them but in verse 4 it’s says though the waves are loud and big the Lord Jesus is Mightier.
Look at the big wave that is coming, let it come because you will not collapse beneath it… because your God is MIGHTIER.
Remember who your God is.
[The blog is written by Jamie Villarreal]
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