November 17, 2019 to November 23, 2019
This week, interns learn about end times through the book of Revelations. Interns learned that the end time is when the rapture, Jesus’ second coming, great tribulation and many more events prophetically occur. Interns also learned about the characteristics of the Antichrist and false prophets. Interns were encouraged to be aware of signs for the end times but also to find peace in focusing more on their relationship with Jesus.
The following interns share their favorite part of this week’s lesson along with a brief interview.

Name: Anthony Orwa
From: Newington, CT (Originally from Kenya, moved to the U.S. at 6 years old)
What’ve you learned this week: As we get closer to the end times, many churches are anti-anointing. For example, many churches don’t share about the different gifts a believer may have which can be a sign they are not led by Holy Spirit. I also learned the characteristics of the antichrist is being brilliant in solving world problems, being a great communicator, and a great leader that seems Christ-like. However, he will be deceiving and that is why it is important to know if people and churches are led by Holy Spirit or not.
Advice for people interested in HungryGen’s Internship: It is not a coincidence God put it on your heart to go to a bible school! This is a great place to meet people with the same, if not more, passion for God. It is a group of young adults that have so much to offer to each other and the generation we are in. So, what are you waiting for? Step into what God has called you to do!

Favorite part about internship: My favorite parts are power evangelism, worship nights, and volunteering at the Raised to Deliver Conference in Seattle.
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:5
Fun Fact(s): I am the youngest of seven siblings, I love music, and I majored in biochemistry in college!
Social Media: @anthony.orwa

Name: Daniela Hurtado
From: Cali, Colombia (Now living in Tucson, Arizona)
What’ve you learned this week: We always have to be prepared for Jesus’ second coming and to stay close to the Holy Spirit so that we can be an effective vessel to bring people to Christ. We need to know there will be a day when people will be raptured up so we must prepare others and equip them just like how the disciples did in the book of Acts. I also learned that we need to be prepared at all times so that Jesus does not take us by surprise when He returns. However, we shouldn’t stress or worry about the date or time it will happen because there are also prophecies in the Bible that have not come to pass yet.
Advice for people interested in HungryGen’s Internship: Just do it! This internship is so worth it! But don’t get me wrong. It is a sacrifice that I had and wanted to make. I had to save money, quit my full-time job, being away from my family, and travel to a state I have never been to, alone! Nevertheless, keep in mind that with each sacrifice comes a reward. I have gained so much through this experience. My character has been developed more, I have gone through an inner healing process, and took on responsibilities I didn’t prepare for because I ended up being an R.A. for over 12 young ladies! It also helps you think outside of the box for your home church.

Favorite part about internship: People are very interesting here. I love to listen to other people’s stories, past struggles and how God helped them overcome it. Also, it’s awesome growing together through difficult situations and building each other up. I also really enjoy the worship nights!
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
Fun Fact(s): I love cleaning and I used to live in Australia for two years!
Social Media: @danihurtado1393
If you are interested in the internship program, click here.
For more information:
Call / Text: (509) 531-1469
Email: [email protected]
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- Vladimir Savchuk
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- Zack Parkhotyuk
- Ivan Semenyuk
- Everett Roeth
- Liliya Savchuk
- Hungry Gen
- Daniela Astley
- Internship
- HowToDoStuff
- John Chi
- Andres Bisonni
- Bob Larson
- George Davidiuk
- Helena Landin
- Genesis Sifuentez
- Lana Savchuk
- Sulamita Savchuk
- Andrey Shapoval
- Austin Svangren
- Testimonies
- Diana Kasaev
- Elijah Waters
- Isaiah Saldivar
- Shepherd Bushiri
- Alexandra Peiffer
- Brother Hyeok Park
- Joey Zamora
- Johanan Nunez
- Matt Cruz
- Mel Bond
- Mike Signorelli
- Prayer
- Wise Man Harry
- Adrian Alejandre
- Alexander Pagani
- Alex Dragonchuk
- Ben Fitzgerald
- Bill Wiese
- Casey Slack
- Corey Russell
- David Diga Hernandez
- Edward Gardiner
- General CS Upthegrove
- Jacob Ochoa
- Jamie Villarreal
- Jason Lozano
- Jason Noble
- John LeMar
- Liliya Savchuk
- Lizeth Roeth
- Mario Murillo
- Oriel Ballano
- Pablo Cuevas
- Petr Gaydarzhi
- Roman Trachuk
- Terry Page
- Aleksey Ledeyev
- Andy Douglas
- Angie Fillips
- Ashish Mubarak
- Boyd Wilson
- Brian Vela
- Brian Jennings
- Calin Ciupe
- Charles Dixon
- Daniel Adams
- David Colby
- Dimitri Nosarev
- Dmitri Sarioglo
- Dylan Long
- Erik Parkhotyuk
- George Chechelnitskiy
- Jeff Feldhahn
- Jesse Campos
- Ivan Gavrilyuk
- Julie Semenyuk
- Kelly Lohrke
- Kelly Small
- Konstantin Tochinskiy
- Larisa Parkhotyuk
- Lika Roman
- Luis Vargas
- Emmanuel Adeyeye
- Pastor Marco Garcia
- Meesh Fomenko
- Mike Khochay
- Pavel Radchuk
- Peter Kumar
- Phil Gungor
- Rick Garcia
- Roman Sheremeta
- Ruslan Andreychenko
- Shurby Long
- Slavic Radchuk
- Slavik Shishikin
- Solomiya Parkhotyuk
- Viktor Prohor