Everyone Seeks Something
Psalm 63: 1-3, “Oh God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.”
God created each and every one of us for Himself. We are to search for Him, worship and be with Him. We were created with a void within us that without God will always feel empty. It doesn’t matter what we search for; we can try using substances, relationships, fame, business or money. That void can only be filled by knowing God. It will be filled in the process of us seeking God.
In this Psalm, David realised that God was what he wanted, what he had to seek and what he could not live without. True enjoyment, true peace and true joy only come from knowing Jesus and pursuing after God.
The question is never if we are seeking but who or what we are seeking. Each one of us has something in our lives right now that we are pursuing with our focus, energy, time and investments. Make your heart’s cry, focus and energy be spend in seeking after God because from Him all blessings come.
Success Is Not An Accident
When you see somebody who is good at something, it is never by mistake. They put their energy, focus and attention into it. You can never have a strong relationship with God if your focus, energy and attention is not on it. People who have greater depth and go further with God do so because they put the time, focus and energy into God. Your heart has to realise that God orchestrates every event in your life. Then you will realise how much you need God.
When we are weak with God, temptation is strong but when we are strong with God, the temptation is weak. The closer we draw to God, the further we move from satan. The more we go away from God, the weaker we become against temptation. It is about the direction that we are moving in as we are pursuing.
You feed what you want to build and you starve what you want to kill in your life. Share on XIf you want a strong relationship with God, you have to feed it. You may never get rid of temptation but you can be so much stronger because you pursue God. Your attention and focus determine how strong you are.
Adjust Your Attention And Focus
Psalm 10:4 “The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts.”
God’s definition for wickedness is people who do not seek Him. Our focus, attention and direction brings us to a place where we are either satisfied and blessed or deprived of what we are meant to be. True fulfilment only comes from knowing Jesus Christ (Psalm 9:10).
It is never an issue of time but always an issue of priorities. If something is your priority, you will always make time for it. In the Psalms, David reminds us that we should give God our most precious time to make Him our priority and pursuit (Psalm 14:2).
There are two reasons people seek God: either by choice or by force. We seek God by choice when we come to the realisation that without Him, we are nothing and we make Him our focus. We seek God by force when the problems and calamites of life push us to our knees and we cry out to God.
God Is Looking For Seekers
Psalms 34:10, “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”
Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Marriage is a good thing. The salvation of all your children is a good thing. Healing in your body is a good thing. Having more than enough and being a blessing to your neighbour is a good thing. Having a good career is a good thing. Are you missing any good thing? The Bible says if you seek the Lord you shall not lack any good thing in your life.
God wants to bless you but it is founded in your seeking and pursuit after Him. Share on XThe love of the Father is so much greater than anything else we can imagine or experience. God is not withholding any good thing from us but we will not receive them unless we give God our heart, attention and seek Him, (Matthew 6:33).

Seek After God
2 Chronicles 26:5, “He (Uzziah) sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.”
Seek after God and He will make you prosper. Uzziah started seeking God and everything about him prospered but I want you to see what happened later.
2 Chronicles 26:15-16, “So his fame spread far and wide, for his was marvellously helped till he became strong. But when he was strong his heart was lifted up, to his destruction…”
God wants to make you prosper in your health, marriage, finances, business, ministry and all the work of your hands. But God will not prosper you if your prospering will cause you to leave Him.
Praying and seeking after God is not separate from His Word; they go together. If you want an increased hunger for the Word of God, you have to build it and starve what takes away from that hunger.
Proverbs 27:7, “A person who is full refuses honey but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry.”When you are already full with something else, the Word of God will be bitter to you but to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, even bitter food will taste sweet. Share on X
God and His Word are one. If you want to visit God or be with God, spend time with His Word, memorize His Word and make it a part of your life. God wants to restore the hunger in your life for seeking Him, running after Him and being with Him for that is where your strength comes from.
Sermon By Martin Parkhotyuk; Blog By Ed Gardiner
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
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