When You Fast

“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,  so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – Matthew 6: 17-18

Fasting is not new and has been around a long time.  Multiple religions fast and is a current trend in the fitness industry to lose weight and a lot of other medical benefits.  A Christian fast is different.  In Jesus’ day, Pharisees would fast twice a week.  These religious leaders would look and appear sad and downtrodden during this time of fasting.

Jesus did not command fasting but anticipated that His followers would fast, saying, “When you fast, “not” if you fast.”  Jesus expected His followers to fastA Biblical fast is voluntarily abstaining from food for spiritual reasons.

A Biblical fast is voluntarily abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. Share on X

    Types of Fasting

    1. Absolute Fast: A complete fast without food or water (Not recommended).
    2. Normal Fast: Abstaining from all food but drinking water.
    3. Partial Fast: Avoiding specific foods like meat and sweets, focusing on simple foods. (Daniel’s Fast)

    Jesus did not specify the length or type of fasting but emphasized sincerity over appearance. Jesus is more concerned over why you are fasting than the length or what you are fasting. Your motive for your fast is key.

    When fasting use wisdom, sacrifice and personal conviction. Wisdom speaks of if you have medical conditions and pregnant women should not fast. Sacrifice is choosing what you fast as a reasonable sacrifice in your life. Personal conviction is a freedom to fast based on God’s principles.

    Challenges of Fasting

    Challenges will occur during your fast.  Breaking your fast can happen, just restart the fast at that point.

    Fasting is relational, not ritualistic, as it is directed to the Father.

      Jesus saw fasting as transformational, not transactional, emphasizing intimacy with the Father over the act itself.  You fast from the position of revelation, not desperation; you are a child of God. I fast because I want to be closer to God, who is my Father.

      Fasting does not bring God’s presence; it makes you more aware of His presence.  As you draw near to God, you become more aware of His presence with you.

      Fasting, though practiced in private, brings rewards that are made public.

      Fasting, though practiced in private, brings rewards that are made public. Share on X

        The Triad of Piety

        The triad of piety consists of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Jesus addressed the abuse of these three things in Matthew 6. Our three main enemies are lust, pride, and greed. They war against our spiritual progress. Prayer helps us combat pride, fasting helps us combat lust and cravings of the flesh, and almsgiving helps us combat greed.

        Rewards of Fasting:

        1. Strengthens Prayer 
        2. Demonstrates humility
        3. Expresses Grief
        4. Seeks divine intervention
        5. Prepares for God’s calling
        6. Detoxifies the soul and body

        If you fast, seek Him, and humble yourself, He will reward you openly. How does this happen and what can that look like?

        Your health begins to improve, new hunger for God, new doors start to open in your life and breakthrough in your family.  God is a rewarder for those who diligently seek Him.  Do we fast for the reward? No, we fast to have a closer relationship with God.

        Fasting is not a source of power but a means of surrendering to God’s power!  Power comes from God.  When you humble yourself in prayer, fasting and studying His Word, you surrender yourself to His power.

        Watch The Full Sermon Here:
