Vision : Hungry Generation exists to lead people to encounter God daily!
God adds people to the church so that the church can add people to God (Acts 2:47).
If you are added to the church, but you are not added to the Lord, you will not last in your relationship with the Lord (Acts 5:14).
Encountering God
One moment of an encounter with God takes you from darkness into light, from death into life, from bondage into freedom and from life that has no meaning to a life that has a purpose.
We want to take you from meeting God on Sunday to spending time with Him on Monday because Christianity isn’t just a religion—it’s a relationship. Church services and spiritual highs won’t sustain you—daily time with God will.
If you want to grow, spend time with Him every day—talk to Him in prayer, hear His voice through His Word, and encounter His presence in worship. A hungry heart never stops pursuing God.
It is not enough to have an encounter with God only on Sundays, it is important that you learn to encounter God daily.
Church is not built around personality, but around God’s presence, power and purpose.
If you don’t live in a secret place you will live in secret sin. Secret sin can destroy lives, marriages, families, businesses. The best antidote of living in secret sin is to intentionally live in the secret place.
What Are You Carrying?
You are always carrying something – either the pressure of the problem or the power of God’s presence. Instead of carrying your problems you can choose to carry the presence of God on your shoulders.
You don’t have to be Moses or Joshua to carry God’s presence – it’s your daily responsibility as a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). In any circumstance, you can decide to carry God’s presence. You are going to carry something; you might as well carry God’s presence.
You are always carrying something – either the pressure of the problem or the power of God's presence. Share on XWhen your shoulders carry the presence, your feet become conduits of God’s power.
“And as those who bore the ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water, (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest), that the waters which came down from upstream stood still, and rose in a heap very far away at Adam, the city that is beside Zaretan.” – Joshua 3:15-16
When His presence rests on you, His power moves through you. Your responsibility it to carry Gods presence every day. The burden of problems will kill you, but Gods burden will sustain you. Gods presence carries power. When you carry Gods presence, your faith becomes the conduit of Gods power.
Its like when someone exposes an electrical wire to a pool of water. If someone steps into it, they immediately die. When electricity, power, touches something, it carries enormous danger to whatever it touches. It is as when the priests who carry the power of God on their shoulders stepped into the Jordan, like an exposed electrical wire touching the water, electric shock gets into Jordan and it started to part the water in front of them. The water did not leave until the priests stepped in.
The way to conquer the promised land is to carry the presence of God on your shoulders. Faith is like an electrical wire. If no power goes through it, it won’t do anything. The power comes from the presence of God.
When His presence rests on you, His power moves through you. Share on XSeek God’s Promotion
The Jordan will not part because of our efforts, but because of His presence, (Zechariah 4:6).
On the other side you have a promise, but first you need to go through problems to get there. Often you don’t know how, when and what will get you to the other side, but faith. In the presence of God, faith makes sense; faith is normal. Then, even if the situation does not change, the situation will not change you. Sometimes the power of God causes things or circumstances to change and sometimes it causes the circumstances not to change you.
You don’t need to announce your relationship with God: He will make it evident by how He moves in your life (Joshua 3:7).
God’s exaltation is not getting a pay bump, its not getting even with our enemies, it’s not getting verified on social media, it is a mark on your life that no one, including yourself, can’t explain or deny.
Increased Fruitfulness
In John 15 Jesus says that if you abide in Him and He abides in you, you will bear fruit, much fruit and fruit that remains. When God marks you, you will go from no fruit to fruit, to more fruit, to much fruit and to fruit that remains.
You don’t need to promote your relationship with God, because God will promote His relationship with you. His presence in your life will speak for itself.
Joshua was already a leader. God’s promotions wasn’t about status – it was about receiving the power needed to fulfill his calling.
God will mark you as He marked Moses, but He won’t move in your life exactly as He moved through Moses. When God marks you, His favor follows you. When you walk faithfully with God, you will begin to experience what it means for God to walk with you—and that brings favor.
When we walk with God its faithfulness; when God walks with us its favor. Share on XHow to establish daily encounters with God:
You need to make it a priority. Daily encounters with God are not extras; they are essentials.
There is only one way to God—through Jesus—but there are many ways to connect with Him. Connect with God as you are, not as someone you admire. Your relationship with Him should be personal, not a copy of someone else’s.
Encountering God involves speaking to Him in prayer, hearing His voice through Scripture, and experiencing His presence in worship.
How you live your day shapes how you encounter God, and how you encounter God shapes how you live your day.
Watch The Full Sermon Here:
5 Steps to Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
How to Pray?
Fish Love
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Vasiliy Parkhotyuk
- Ilya Parkhotyuk
- Liliya Savchuk
- Martin Parkhotyuk
- Glenn Fink
- Mariana Parkhotyuk
- Brittany Hartikainen
- Rikhard Hartikainen
- Vladimir Savchuk
- Bryson Still
- Zack Parkhotyuk
- Ivan Semenyuk
- Everett Roeth
- Liliya Savchuk
- Hungry Gen
- Daniela Astley
- Internship
- HowToDoStuff
- John Chi
- Andres Bisonni
- Bob Larson
- George Davidiuk
- Helena Landin
- Austin Svangren
- Genesis Sifuentez
- Lana Savchuk
- Sulamita Savchuk
- Andrey Shapoval
- Testimonies
- Diana Kasaev
- Elijah Waters
- Isaiah Saldivar
- Shepherd Bushiri
- Alexandra Peiffer
- Brother Hyeok Park
- Edward Gardiner
- Joey Zamora
- Johanan Nunez
- Matt Cruz
- Mel Bond
- Mike Signorelli
- Prayer
- Wise Man Harry
- Adrian Alejandre
- Alexander Pagani
- Alex Dragonchuk
- Ben Fitzgerald
- Bill Wiese
- Casey Slack
- Corey Russell
- David Diga Hernandez
- General CS Upthegrove
- Jacob Ochoa
- Jamie Villarreal
- Jason Lozano
- Jason Noble
- John LeMar
- Liliya Savchuk
- Lizeth Roeth
- Mario Murillo
- Oriel Ballano
- Pablo Cuevas
- Petr Gaydarzhi
- Roman Trachuk
- Terry Page
- Aleksey Ledeyev
- Andy Douglas
- Angie Fillips
- Ashish Mubarak
- Boyd Wilson
- Brian Vela
- Brian Jennings
- Calin Ciupe
- Charles Dixon
- Daniel Adams
- David Colby
- Dimitri Nosarev
- Dmitri Sarioglo
- Christopher McBride
- Dylan Long
- Erik Parkhotyuk
- George Chechelnitskiy
- Jeff Feldhahn
- Jesse Campos
- Ivan Gavrilyuk
- Julie Semenyuk
- Kelly Lohrke
- Kelly Small
- Konstantin Tochinskiy
- Larisa Parkhotyuk
- Lika Roman
- Luis Vargas
- Emmanuel Adeyeye
- Pastor Marco Garcia
- Meesh Fomenko
- Mike Khochay
- Pavel Radchuk
- Peter Kumar
- Phil Gungor
- Rick Garcia
- Roman Sheremeta
- Ruslan Andreychenko
- Shurby Long
- Slavic Radchuk
- Slavik Shishikin
- Solomiya Parkhotyuk
- Viktor Prohor